On Wed, 17 Jun 2020 at 21:48, Pierre Labastie via lfs-dev
<lfs-dev@lists.linuxfromscratch.org> wrote:
> > Can anyone think of any reasons why I would not be able to use the su
> > from Util-linux, until such time as Chapter 8's (nearly typed Chapter
> > 6's
> > there) Shadow get's built?
> Actually, We have looked at it (you may have noticed that we needed to
> add a regular user for tests), and the conclusion is that util-linux's
> "su" uses linux-PAM. So, a no-go for lFS.
> On the other hand, nothing prevents you from building shadow at the
> beginning of chapter 8, as you seem to have been doing already (except
> the chapter number was 6).

Not quite.

I was adding it at the end of Chapter 5, so now, Chapter 7.

It's going to take a bit of getting used to these new numbers. (Deep joy!)

> Now, I see a problem: all the packages that are rebuilt in chapter
> eight are installed in place of the corresponding temporary package. If
> you install the final package as a regular user, it won't be able to
> replace the temp package that has been installed as root...

Cheers for  that: hadn't picked up on that yet: forewarned is forearmed.

> ... I must
> confess we have not thought of the pkguser method when redesigning the
> book.

And nor should you have to.

FWIW, in building under MC&PM/PkgUser conditions, there were a few
places where one had to change ownership/permissions and/or explicitly
replace a root-owned link with a file that could then be overwritten by the
PkgUser owned link.

Once I've had a go at it, I'll let you know what I've found, in case it's of
any use to the vanilla LFS.

Cheers for the feedback.
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