On 12/11/11 23:17, Bruce Dubbs wrote:
> spiky wrote:
>> I have built lfs7 with linux 3.1rc4. I cant boot it when on sdc. If
>> drive is put in laptop on IDE it will boot. I have set the fstab&
>> grub.cfg in lots of different ways still no joy,
>> grub.cfg
>> # Begin /boot/grub/grub.cfg
>> set default=0
>> set timeout=5
>> insmod ext2
>> set root=(hd2,1)
>> menuentry "GNU/Linux, Linux 3.1-lfs-7.0" {
>>           linux   /boot/vmlinuz-3.1-lfs-7.0 root=/dev/sdc1
>> }
>> fstab
>> # Begin /etc/fstab
>> # file system  mount-point  type   options         dump  fsck
>> #                                                        order
>> /dev/sdc1      /            ext4   defaults        1     1
>> /dev/sdc2      swap         swap   pri=1           0     0
>> proc           /proc        proc   defaults        0     0
>> sysfs          /sys         sysfs  defaults        0     0
>> devpts         /dev/pts     devpts gid=4,mode=620  0     0
>> tmpfs          /run         tmpfs  defaults        0     0
>> # End /etc/fstab
>> I would like it to boot off it,s own drive selected by bios (bios dose
>> allow booting from usb)
> I've never tried that, but does grub recognize the usb drive at all?
> You may need 'insmod usb.mod'.  The first step is to go to the grub
> command line and get it to recognize the usb drive.  Then get it to boot
> from the command line.  Only after you can do that, try to get grub.cfg
> right.
> I suspect that from grub's perspective, after the bios hands off to the
> usb drive, that root is hd0.
> You might want to try the help-grub mailing list:
> https://lists.gnu.org/mailman/listinfo/help-grub
>     -- Bruce
I have tried setting root to hd0,1 and setting boot to sda1 just incase 
it looked at it as the 1st boot option, I,m not sure it is a grub fault 
as when I ran grub update from Ubuntu it still wont boot.
   When you say get the command line to recognise the usb it appears in 
bklid and device map shows hd0 hd1 hd2

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