> TL;DR - Feel free to hack on it. It's 99.9% shell-scripting, so nothing funky 
> like Python, Java, etc. I'd be quite interested to see if MSB can be grafted 
> on, at which point, if it doesn't create vulnerabilities, I'd like to merge 
> that in. It's still a work-in-progress for me, and I'd quite like someone 
> else to take a look!
> HTH,
> Q
Sounds interesting. I've got another project at the moment so I won't have time 
to look at it immediately but as soon as I can I'll come back to you and see if 
we can make some progress with augmenting your scripts.
As for the security issue, I'm not a hacker or a security expert so I can't say 
if a package user would be easier to access than root. But if someone is 
determined to get access to your machine, they probably will eventually (even 
the CIA are not secure so who is!).

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