Scott Robertson wrote:

Please don't top post on the LFS lists.

> I started reading 7.0, and I was doing OK until about Chapter 5.  Until I
> realized that some of my directories didn't seem right.  Somehow I ended up
> with just a "sources" directory on the LFS partition.  I'm not a hardened
> expert in Linux yet, but I do have some knowledge and I have alot of
> experience with computers in general.  Am I required to be an expert to do
> this?  This is my first attempt at LFS. I am trying to learn Linux at a
> deeper level.

We try to give you a vehicle for learning.

> I think I have a fair understanding of things, except for a few things.  As I
> said, I have a sources directory on the LFS partition that I created, but I
> don't have a /lfs/tools directory there, so i got a little confused.  

Section 2.3 tells you how to format a new partition.  At the end of section 2.4 
you should only have /mnt/lfs/lost+found/

Section 3.1 creates $LFS/sources and shows you how to populate it.  Be sure to 
read the 2nd paragraph if you are using 7.0 because urls change.

Section 4.2 creates mkdir -v $LFS/tools

Section 5.3 gives the overview of what you are going to do to build the 

I am
> basically trying to figure out what directory structure I am supposed to have
> without the $LFS.  I could be wrong, but I don't get the feeling that the
> book explains precisely what the directory structure is supposed look like by
> the time you get through with 5.4 or so.  

That's probably because you don't really have much of a Linux background.  It 
appears to me from your basic questions that you need some experience as 
expressed in section vi. Prerequisites.  (we know that the middle link is dead).

Try instead.

> I guess what threw me was in
> Section 5.4, it says: "The Binutils documentation recommends building
> Binutils outside of the source directory in a dedicated build directory:" As
> I mentioned in one of my previous e-mails to the group, I wasn't too sure
> what this meant.  I didn't understand what "...outside of the source
> directory..." meant.  I thought if it was truly outside the "source"
> directory, then where does it go? 

Do you know what the source directory is?  Do you know what it means to be 'in' 
a directory?

> But I think I realize now that Binutils-xx
> is called a "source" directory and /lfs/sources is also called a sources
> directory.
> And again, if it is truly outside the source directory, then there might be
> permissions problems.  As it stands, I think it can be confusing when to run
> things as root and when to run them as lfs user as the book doesn't always
> say.  

Yes it does.  It's not repeated every page though.

> I can generally figure it our based on the error messages though.
> Also, I think it can be a little confusing as to what directory I am supposed
> to be in when running the commands sometimes, as that is very important too.

What part of:

"For each package:

1. Using the tar program, extract the package to be built. In Chapter 5, ensure 
you are the lfs user when extracting the package.
2. Change to the directory created when the package was extracted.
3. Follow the book's instructions for building the package."

do you not understand?

> Are you guys aware that a fairly substantial number of the web links in the
> book no longer work?  I made a list and tried to send it to lfs-dev, but that
> was before I realized that I had to join it first, so not sure if anyone
> received it.

You are using a book that was published in September.  Links change.  It's up 
you to find new ones.  The books are like RFCs.  Once published, we do not 
change that version.

> I also tried e-mailing about a week
> ago to get some help, but never heard back from anyone.  

That's the mailman internal address.  You have the right address now.

> I think I am used to a more traditional "Sign up for a login account, login,
> and then post to a forum" format rather than people e-mailing each other, but
> I think I am getting the idea now. gives the mailing lists and links to 
where you need to go to sign up.

   -- Bruce
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