Le 18/02/2014 16:26, Oshadha Gunawardena a écrit :
> Hi again all,
> I have completed my LFS build. And I wanted to install dhcpcd. So as 
> in the BLFS I have followed every step and it seems everything went well
> *make install-service-dhcpcd*
> install -d -m 755 /lib/services
> install -m 754 blfs/services/dhcpcd  /lib/services
> *cat /etc/sysconfig/ifconfig.eth0 *
> ONBOOT="yes"
> IFACE="eth0"
> SERVICE="dhcpcd"
> DHCP_START="-b -q"
> DHCP_STOP="-k"
> Once I boot in to the system it does not starting up automatically. I 
> always has to run the "dhcpcd" to get it up. So I'm wondering what 
> maybe the issue.
Just guessing here.
Do you have any other file beginning with ifconfig in /etc/sysconfig?
If there is one, does it have ONBOOT=no?
Now coming to dhcpcd. Does it start when running:
ifup eth0
instead of dhcpcd?


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