> From: Michael Havens <bmi...@gmail.com>
> Date: Thu, 31 Jul 2014 12:08:16 -0700
> To: LFS Support List <lfs-support@lists.linuxfromscratch.org>
> Subject: Re: [lfs-support] Please, teach me how to fix problems.
> You know... it just occurred to me, I started a build let it run about 15

A build of what, and in what chapter?

> minutes, then realized I forgot to do something and so stopped it. Then I
> fixed what I forgot and restarted it from the beginning. The book says that

To be on the safe side, you'd normally delete the unpack/build dirs for the
botched package-run; and then unpack afresh the package source tarball,
and proceed per book instructions for the package. Always bear in mind
the sequence detailed at the end of 'General Compilation Instructions' -
sec 5.3 in lfs-7.5  .

(A slight partial additional detail to the above is that if a person
has made any changes to e.g source code that they wish to preserve, then
they'd make a side-copy of that - well away from possibly interfering with
a fresh tarball-unpack - before said delete.)

> we need to backup the temporary toolchain because subsequent commands will
> damage the temporary toolchain. 

Doesn't damage it per se - just changes it such that it's >= awkward to
re-use for building the same lfs-ver on another system.

> Do I need tho copy my backup glibcbecause
> of this. Or perhaps just upack the glibc tar ball again. What do you think?

Normally not, for anything beyond the respective first chunks/gory-details
of ch5/6: you can normally just re-do the package in question; but depends
on where you're at - ref first question above - and indeed on how far back
the package is from where you are now.



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