On Fri, 7 Apr 2017 16:49:20 -0400
Michael Shell <li...@michaelshell.org> wrote:

> On Fri, 7 Apr 2017 19:24:55 -0000
> "William Harrington" <kb0...@berzerkula.org> wrote:
> > gcc -### -march=native -E /usr/include/stdlib.h 2>&1 | grep
> > "/usr/libexec/gcc/.*cc1"
> >  "/usr/libexec/gcc/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/5.3.0/cc1" "-E" "-quiet"  
> And in the /usr/libexec/gcc/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/5.3.0 directory,
> he can look at what is linked against gcc's cc1 and cc1plus:
> ldd /usr/libexec/gcc/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/5.3.0/cc1
> ldd /usr/libexec/gcc/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/5.3.0/cc1plus
> Any those linked libraries is a suspect. If it wasn't glibc (libm,
> linux-gate are from glibc, libdl is from gcc) or gmp, then I think
> libmpc, libmpfr would be the likeliest culprits. Libz is also listed.
>   Cheers,
>   Mike Shell
> -- 
The Intel Core Duo processor has one extra cpu flag, sse4_1, compared with the 
Via Nano. Accordingly gcc output on bigboy shows -msse4.1 where littleboy shows 

There are a few other differences, mainly in cache size (bigboy has l1=32 and 
l2=3072 where little boy has 64 and 1024 respectively. And gcc shows 
-mtune=core2 for bigboy where littleboy has -mtune=generic.

There was no difference in output between littleboy's /tools/bin/gcc and 
/usr/bin/gcc, although the former was imported and the latter was built 
locally. Both had the -mno-sse4.1 flag. That surprised me.

The linked libraries you requested are mpc, mpfr, gmp, dl, z, stdc++, m, gcc_s 
and libc (plus linux-vdso and ld-linux of course).

The reason I am plugging this is that the book says you can reuse the chapter 5 
toolkit to build additional LFS systems provided that you save it before 
carrying out the adjustments in section 6.10. There's nothing to suggest that 
doing this on a different computer would cause problems.

If any members of GCHQ are reading this, shame on you! I fought for your right 
to belong to a trade union and now you are taking away my right to privacy?

H Russman
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