> The Intel Core Duo processor has one extra cpu flag, sse4_1, compared
> with the Via Nano. Accordingly gcc output on bigboy shows -msse4.1
> where littleboy shows -mno-sse4.1.

For most things those are irrelevant, but they could come into play
making different ABIs for graphics/sound/crypto stuff.

"SSE4 (Streaming SIMD Extensions 4) is a SIMD CPU instruction set used
in the Intel Core microarchitecture and AMD K10 (K8L)."

"SIMD is particularly applicable to common tasks like adjusting the
contrast in a digital image or adjusting the volume of digital audio.
Most modern CPU designs include SIMD instructions in order to improve
the performance of multimedia use."

I don't *know* that imported code built with those instructions would
fail on littleboy, but I suspect so.  So, of the packages I expect
you would try to run, OpenSSL would be suspect, and may need to be
built locally.

> There are a few other differences, mainly in cache size (bigboy has
> l1=32 and l2=3072 where little boy has 64 and 1024 respectively. And
> gcc shows -mtune=core2 for bigboy where littleboy has -mtune=generic.

Again possibly certain instructions would be used in bigboy's code that
might not work on littleboy.

But OTOH, these are certainly the sorts of incompatibilities one
expects, using the same code on different architectures.  And there are
ways of dealing with that--building explicitly for the common
denominator (see below).

> The reason I am plugging this is that the book says you can reuse the
> chapter 5 toolkit to build additional LFS systems provided that you
> save it before carrying out the adjustments in section 6.10. There's
> nothing to suggest that doing this on a different computer would cause
> problems.

Thank you for doing so.  Back in the day of 32-bit CPUs I consistently
used --TARGET=i586 in my builds, because even when I was building on a
686, I wanted to preserve the ability to move the system to a 586, if it
should become necessary, and have everything work.

I've looked for similar incompatibilities in 64-bit instruction sets,
but none leapt out at me.  I shall be more diligent!
Paul Rogers
Rogers' Second Law: "Everything you do communicates."
(I do not personally endorse any additions after this line. TANSTAAFL :-)

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