On 10/23/19 1:57 PM, Ed Batalha wrote:
Trent wrote:

On 10/19/19 11:38 AM, Pierre Labastie wrote:

On 19/10/2019 17:07, Trent wrote:

On 10/17/19 6:26 AM, hazel debian wrote:

You should not mount the "BIOS boot" partition at /boot or anywhere else. In fact you don't even need to have a filesystem on it.  GRUB installs its second part on that empty partition, and the first part (which is in the dummy MBR) should locate it by its physical address.

I think you may be confusing this with the "boot partition" mentioned in the book, which is actually something quite different. It is a normal partition with a filesystem on it that is used to contain kernels when you are multibooting LFS with other Linuxes.  The team recommend having this common boot partition for all your systems and mounting it on /boot in each of them.

I  finished the rebuild on a single partition, with the "bios_grub" flag set.

Hmm, it's not what Hazel has written. On a GPT partition system,
you need at least two partitions (OK not mandatory, but easiest): one which is the "bios boot" (flag bios_grub in parted), which can be very small (1MB), and another one for the system. Of course, you may have more partitions if you want separate partitions for /boot, /home, or /usr. Do not format the "bios boot" partition, do not try to mount it. Mount the second partition on /mnt/lfs instead. Build your system on it, then you can install grub.


Okay, I am already back on this again. I rebuilt the system again on that branded SSD I mentioned I would try this time. I ran into an odd problem during grub-install so I decided to rebuild again. The rebuild is about halfway done.

On the first try for this SSD, I put only one partition on it of type ext4.

When I ran "grub-install /dev/sdX --target i386-pc" it came back with "grub does not support ext2."


Rather than spend time on trying to figure that out, I went ahead and cleared the drive out, then made two partitions.

/dev/sdX1 Unformated

"One quirk is that this magic “32kb gap” between sector 1 and the first partition that is created /by convention/ for msdos-partitioned disks does not exist in GPT. The solution is to create a specific partition to hold the “embedded” copy of core.img; this partition must have type |BIOS_BOOT|. The “grub-setup” utility (called by grub-install) searches the GPT for the first partition of that type and writes core.img there."

"For GPT (recommended), you need something like:

Number  Start (sector)    End (sector)  Size       Code  Name
   1            2048            4095   1024.0 KiB  EF02  grub
   2            4096         1052671   512.0 MiB   8300  boot
   3         1052672        39456767   18.3 GiB    8300  debian
   4        39456768        60428287   10.0 GiB    8200  Linux swap
   5       429604864       468666367   18.6 GiB    8300 lfs-20190801
  14       307765248       370679807   30.0 GiB    8300  lfs-9.0 "

The fist, unformatted partition needs to be type BIOS_BOOT, which is code EF02 in Bruce's printout.

/dev/sdX2 ext

I am building now on /dev/sdX2.

With that, that is one thing not specifically clear. Do I run the grub-install command for /dev/sdX, or for the unformatted partition of  /dev/sdX1?

For /dev/sdX

Thanks again!


I don't have GPT on my computers so I'm writing this based only on what I've read previously about this subject.


Thanks a bunch, Ed!

I was reading the URL you sent over on grub.


It does mention, "The Grub utilities provide a command “grub-install” which creates the files in |/boot/grub| and writes a program to a disk’s Master Boot Record (MBR)."

I just wanted to be sure I am clear on it.


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