On 10/17/19 6:26 AM, hazel debian wrote:

On Wed, Oct 16, 2019 at 11:21 PM Trent <blf_supp...@lindows.org <mailto:blf_supp...@lindows.org>> wrote:

    On my first try with LFS, I did version 8.4 systemd on an SSD with
    all files in one partition.

    It boots just fine.

    I just did version 9.0 systemd on another SSD, all in one
    partition also.

    However, in Chapter 8.4.3 Setting Up the Configuration, I ran into
    an issue with this different SSD

    (grub-install /dev/sda)


    Since I would not be booting with UEFI, I picked the "|--target

    |What I got in return from this, unlike the previous SSD:|


    |Installing for i386-pc platform.
    grub-install: warning: this GPT partition label contains no BIOS
    Boot Partition; embedding won't be possible.
    grub-install: warning: Embedding is not possible. GRUB can only be
    installed in this setup by using blocklists.  However, blocklists
    are UNRELIABLE and their use is discouraged..
    grub-install: error: will not proceed with blocklists.|

    |Doing some research, I see would need to create a boot partition.|

    |Using gparted, I reduced the size of the single partition, and
    moved it away from the start of the drive. I then made an ext2
    partition, and marked it with a flag of bios_grub as what I read I
    should do. However, now it is being labeled as sdX2, if that makes
    any difference.


    |I then when and remounted the LFS partition, and also the new
    boot partition. I reran the grub command ||and returned:|

    |Installing for i386-pc platform.
    Installation finished. No error reported.|

    |This was the same result as the previous SSD on a single
    partition, but now got the boot partition.|

    |I then set up fstab again with the following:|


    |# Begin /etc/fstab
    # file system mount-point  type      options dump fsck
    #                                                       order

    |/dev/sda2        /boot    ext2 defaults        0   2
    /dev/sda1        /        ext4       defaults 1   1

    | #/dev/<yyy> swap swap pri=1 0 0 (no swap)
     # End /etc/fstab



    |I then copied all the files from /mnt/lfs/boot to the now mounted
    boot partition I have verified they are in the boot partition.|

    |I then stuck the drive in the system I want to boot.|

    |All I am getting on screen is:|

    |"GRUB _ <-(blinking cursor)"|

    |Any advice on what I did wrong?|



You should not mount the "BIOS boot" partition at /boot or anywhere else. In fact you don't even need to have a filesystem on it.  GRUB installs its second part on that empty partition, and the first part (which is in the dummy MBR) should locate it by its physical address.

I think you may be confusing this with the "boot partition" mentioned in the book, which is actually something quite different. It is a normal partition with a filesystem on it that is used to contain kernels when you are multibooting LFS with other Linuxes.  The team recommend having this common boot partition for all your systems and mounting it on /boot in each of them.

I  finished the rebuild on a single partition, with the "bios_grub" flag set.

I am still getting the same result as before. "GRUB _"

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