Thanks for the tip. Tried that but unfortunately get the same results.
It's strange because connecting interactively with lftp does show the
correct change date, the mirror command just doesn't seem to care.

lrwxrwxrwx    1 22651    user          22 Dec  6 17:16 ABCD.txt ->
../../current/ABCD.txt   (the file we have is from back in August)

Looks like I might have to fall back to wget on this one. :(

-----Original Message-----
From: Alexander V. Lukyanov [] 
Sent: Friday, December 28, 2012 10:42 AM
To: Christopher Stone
Subject: Re: [lftp] Mirror not detecting change in remote symlinked file

On Thu, Dec 27, 2012 at 11:37:40AM -0500, Christopher Stone wrote:
> user@server:~> /usr/local/bin/lftp -e 'set ftp:ssl-allow 0; set
> net:socket-bind-ipv4; set net:max-retries 4; set
> ssl:verify-certificate no; set ftp:use-tvfs yes; mirror
> --dereference --no-perms --verbose=3 ~/
> "/mirror/dept/";bye' -u 'user,pass'

--dereference option cannot correctly determine that synlink target file
was changed. Try this option instead:

   set ftp:list-options -L

(it depends on the server to interpret the -L option, but many do).


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