On Wed, Dec 03, 2014 at 04:30:53PM +1000, Paul Rankin wrote:
> When attempting to delete a file on a WebDAV connection to a server I
> get:
>     Operation not supported: 400 Bad Request (DELETE)
> The delete operation works if I use FTP instead.
> Is this a limitation of the current WebDAV implementation, or something
> going wrong with the server?

What lftp version is this?
What kind of WebDAV backend are you using, and are you authorized to
perform this action?

On my site we use Jetty and Milton, and lftp 4.3.3 can DELETE fine.

lftp example.com:/ops/zao> rm foo.s
---- dns cache hit
---- Connecting to example.com ( port 443
---- Sending request...
---> DELETE /ops/zao/foo.s HTTP/1.1
---> Host: example.com
---> User-Agent: lftp/4.3.3
---> Accept: */*
---> Depth: 0
---> Connection: keep-alive
***snip certificates***
<--- HTTP/1.1 204 No Content
<--- Server: milton.io-2.0.0
<--- Date: Wed, 03 Dec 2014 07:43:17 GMT
<--- Accept-Ranges: bytes
<--- ETag: "0000A73292177EA5491A981A6C6C6E7AA862_253383220"
---- Receiving body...
rm ok, `foo.s' removed
lftp example.com:/ops/zao>

Lars Viklund | z...@acc.umu.se
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