Lars Viklund <> writes:

> lftp has a 'debug' command taking a numeric parameter indicating how
> spammy it should be. The results listed was from 'debug 10'.

This is what I get with debug 10

    lftp> rm foo
    ---- Sending request...
    ---> DELETE /foo HTTP/1.1
    ---> Host:
    ---> User-Agent: lftp/4.6.0
    ---> Accept: */*
    ---> Depth: 0
    ---> Authorization: Basic XXXXXXXX==
    ---> Connection: keep-alive
    <--- HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request       
    <--- Server: nginx
    ---- unhandled header line `Server'
    <--- Date: Wed, 03 Dec 2014 10:26:51 GMT
    ---- unhandled header line `Date'
    <--- Content-Type: text/html; charset=iso-8859-1
    <--- Content-Length: 305
    <--- Connection: keep-alive
    <--- X-Request-Id: web6-2781299-1417602411-82
    ---- unhandled header line `X-Request-Id'
    <--- X-Request-Id: web6-2781299-1417602411-83
    ---- unhandled header line `X-Request-Id'
    <--* 400 Bad Request
    <--* Bad Request
    <--* Your browser sent a request that this server could not understand.
    <--* Apache Server at Port 8080
    rm: Operation not supported: 400 Bad Request (DELETE)

(Auth info changed.)

Any ideas from that...?
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