Currently it is not possible as ftp does not ask for passwords
asynchronously, and the need for password arises only during the connection

4:23, ср, 10.12.2014, Andrew Schulman <>:

> > Specify the passphrase for the key as password for the connection. In the
> > example you have provided, you have specified an empty passphrase, thus
> it
> > failed to decrypt the key.
> >
> > If you don't want to give the passphrase in cleartext, don't specify a
> > password in the URL and lftp will ask for a password, type the passphrase
> > at the prompt.
> Thanks.  Now, is there a way to get lftp to prompt me for the password if
> the key needs one, and not prompt me if it doesn't?
> As far as I can tell, I can either specify
>   open s
> and always be prompted, or
>   open s
> and never be prompted.  Is there a way to be prompted if and only if the
> key needs to be decrypted?
> Andrew
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