Hello all,

I develop software (C++ using wxWidgets for Mac and Windows) which does 3D
rendering (using Ogre3D) and we want to allow users to record a video as
they work. ffmpeg was recommended in a couple of places but to be honest,
it looks quite big and scary so before committing to using it, I have two
starter questions I hope you can help me with...

1. How hard is it to learn to use the library to programatically create
videos where each frame is basically just a 2D texture? Do I have to learn
a lot about the library or can I "just use it" with a handful of API calls?
I know it's a subjective question, but when you were noobs how easy was it
to get started?

2. I had some concerns reading about the legal side, GPL and LGPL. Our
software is totally closed source and while we use LGPL libraries, it
sounded like some parts of ffmpeg are GPL-only. Will this realistically
affect me

3. codecs. As a user of various video-conversion tools, I have always found
them confusing and awkward. How does ffmpeg handle them - will my users
have to install codecs (or rely on my app doing so for them through an
installer script), or do you take the approach of bundling codecs so my
users can just unzip my app onto their PC and it works?

That's it for now. I'll try to come up with tougher questions next time.

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