The short version is that Ubuntu is now pre-compromised.  (Or if you
prefer Stallman's phrasing, and I agree with him, it's spyware.)
And given the appallingly tone-deaf nature of Shuttleworth/Canonical's
responses, I very much doubt that this will be the end of it --
that is, I fully expect other privacy/security-adverse changes
to be deliberately implemented in future releases/updates/patches.


----- Forwarded message from greg pryzby <> -----

> Date: Mon, 18 Feb 2013 17:07:59 -0500
> From: greg pryzby <>
> Subject: [Novalug] Ubuntu, Dash, Shuttleworth and privacy
> I am posting because this popped a few times today in my feed and I thought
> it was important enough to share. Search for details from other sites and
> read the information from all sources you can, if you are so inclined.
> The upshot is all keystrokes in Dash are sent to Canonical and make
> available to partners as well as Canonical. It is on by default.
> Here is the first article I saw today:
> This appears to be the reference article
> [snip] 

----- End forwarded message -----
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