There is a translation by humans now as well. I didn't check it but I
assume it's better than the automated one


. Am 08.07.13 15:29, schrieb Griffin Boyce:
> Grim Meathook Future indeed.
> For everyone reading the English text, keep in mind that it is from
> Google Translate.  But I couldn't be patient either.
> Thanks for helping to bring these stories to light. I sincerely hope
> that nothing too terrible happens as a result.
> There's that old Orwell quote that goes "In a time of universal deceit,
> telling the truth is a revolutionary act."  But for me, I think that in
> a time of universal deceit, everyone becomes a whistleblower by
> necessity.  Everyone must evaluate their existing beliefs, and see if
> they hold water.
> Best,
> Griffin
> -- 
> Sent from a tracking device. Please excuse typocetera.
> On Jul 8, 2013 7:36 AM, "Jacob Appelbaum" <
> <>> wrote:
>     Hi,
>     What we're seeing in Der Spiegel, The Guardian, Washington Post and
>     other select publications is the birth of new threat models - not just
>     for activists but for all of civil society, parliamentarians, companies
>     and more. This is a threat model that "many have known" and yet at the
>     same time, there is clearly new stuff. For one - we're seeing
>     confirmations of things that have been denied in public - we're also
>     learning the names of things, which now made public, may be FOIA'ed by
>     name as well as pushing for disclosures. This is where we'll see if
>     America will shine - when the information comes out, will we be able to
>     use our democratic process to turn this disaster around? I'd like to
>     think so - that is why I worked on these pieces - hope is not lost.
>     Though hope alone is not a strategy.
> --
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