On Wed, Jul 10, 2013 at 9:30 PM, Nadim Kobeissi <na...@nadim.cc> wrote:
> "Will it be Open Source?
> We have all intentions of opening up the source as much as possible for 
> scrutiny and help! What we really want people to understand however, is that 
> Open Source in itself does not guarantee any privacy or safety. It sure helps 
> with transparency, but technology by itself is not enough. The fundamental 
> benefits of Heml.is will be the app together with our backend infrastructure, 
> which is what really makes the system interesting and secure." — 
> https://heml.is/
> I'm sort of infamous by now for the fusses I make regarding the importance of 
> open-sourcing security software. I'm pretty sure people are tired of me so 
> I'm going to be quiet. But it's clear to me that Hemlis's answer is not the 
> right answer.


Agreed. I won't support heml.is if it's not libre software, as it
seems to be the case. They want 100k $ to fund non-free software.
That's something I don't think people should support.

Eduardo Robles Elvira     +34 668 824 393            skype: edulix2
http://www.wadobo.com    it's not magic, it's wadobo!
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