On Sun, Feb 19, 2017 at 04:36:02PM -0500, Thomas Delrue wrote:
On 02/19/2017 04:25 PM, Rick Valenzuela wrote:
and maybe the URL for the article linked within the tweet.

Please consider santizing this (i.e. remove the redirection that first
hits twatter) so that they doesn't see that you click on/visit the link,
that would be good.
Plus, then people also immediately know where they'll be taken if they
click the link.

Also, avoid HTML, prefer plaintext. Why dazzle them with style, when you
can dazzle them with substance?

Hi Thomas,

I rewrote my script to do that; each tweet would be split into three
lines: the tweet's URL, the tweet text and the expanded link contained
within the tweet. For example:

The latest The Liberationtech Daily! https://t.co/WGRVUpKJUC

I put it in a repo here: https://github.com/rveeblefetzer/libtech_days_tweets

There is one issue: if the tweet is a retweet or reply, the expanded_url
from the API's 'entities' shows a truncated short URL, like: https://t.co…

And hey Ceci! The script I posted also uses Tweepy. Check it out --
there is of course much more data that could be pulled, but I kept it
minimal, thinking that this is likely best for a plaintext summary.


Rick Valenzuela
Shanghai, China

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