On Wed, Mar 24, 2010 at 3:36 PM, Bill Garcia Jr
<chevydriver...@gmail.com> wrote:
> If Warren explains why DWI tickets are considered unconstitutional he should
> be fine. The only negative I can see of this is that Lazio, Levy, Cuomo and
> if the Conservative Party nominates a candidate can use this to attack
> Warren as being "soft on crime".

Thank you.

It appears to me that his appearance in this news broadcast in not
part of his campaign for Governor of the State of New York. I would
say that it is part of an advertising campaign for his services as a
drunk driving legal defense attorney.

He does not raise any constitutional issues nor does he advocate a
change in the law. Rather he states that he is good at getting the
charges reduced to a non-alcohol offense.

He is also known to favor reducing the drinking age back to 18.

New York used to have one of the lowest drinking ages in the country.
It was 18. It got raised to 21, but I do not know how long ago, as I
do not drink. Now he wants it reduced back to 18.

He is not campaigning against his own interests. A lower drinking age
means more business for Warren Redlich, as there will be more drunk
driving cases to defend.

Note that his TV interview is being broadcast in connection with the
following news story:
"84 Teens Charged in Underage Drinking Party
"A blow-out bash at a million-dollar home has 84 teens facing charges.
Police say the teens are to blame for $200,000 worth of damage.
Alexandra Field explains why the investigation isn't over yet -- and
who's likely to face charges next."

I sure am glad that he did not mention the name of the Libertarian
Party in connection with this news story.

Sam Sloan

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