It's all about "certification," i.e., a piece of paper/plastic (artificial 
trust).  If you can't proveyou're you to some "official," you're not.  A 
"person" other than you must swear/assert your status.  It's easy enough to get 
a U. S. passport (or facsimile) ... or it used to be, before they started 
putting "chips" in them. [Next, will be a DNA i.d.--but that, too, only 
certifies "presence." Now, a "birth certificate" will do to get the passport 
(easily faked).  Convince a USPS worker, and "Voila!" you're in.
How about voting?  Show a driver's license.  Citizenship is a matter of 
privilege, "permission" from governments to indulge in a specific public arena. 
If One does not care for the perquisites of a particular society, flee.  Or 
work for Change (your way).  "Fight or flight" always applies.
All humans act on what they believe to be true, even though facts may not 
support their beliefs. What does your neighbor believe?
"Terrorism" is like burglary.  Determination overwhelms locks.
A "free society" is only marginally less chaotic than an 'ordered' one. Choice 
is the ultimate rule.
  Hon. G. T. "Bud" Martin, Ph.D. [INTJ]               WORDSMITH
          "Let the light shine in  ... ."
       Major USAFR/ANG (Ret.)
        Arvada CO Libertarian
               aka "Tom Curtis"
"On target, on time, on budget!"  

From: ejpoleii <>
Sent: Mon, May 10, 2010 11:08:02 PM
Subject: [Libertarian] Re: FW: Cafferty File: Tell Jack how you really feel 
Blog Archive - Should govt. revoke citizenship of Americans involved in 
terrorism? « - Blogs

Come on, guys. Think a little.

1. You CAN revoke or renounce your citizenship. Generally this is done by 
showing up at a US embassy overseas and renouncing your citizenship in favor of 
citizenship in another country. I'm sure the method to do it in the US without 
gaining citizenship in another country is a little more complicated but 

2. You become a citizen one of two ways. You are either a natural born citizen 
which means you were born in the US or you are "naturalized" through a legal 
process. If you are natural born then your citizenship is defined by the US 
Constitution and there is no provision for it being revoked. In fact, Congress 
can pass no law altering or adding to what is in the Constitution so the 
Congress cannot pass a law revoking the citizenship of a natural born citizen.

If you are a naturalized citizen, there are specific reasons for which your 
citizenship can be revoked. They are strictly defined in the immigration law. I 
strongly suspect that Congress cannot revise that law and make that revision 
retroactive to citizenships granted before the revision. That would be an ex 
post facto law and that it unconstitutional as well.


--- In Libertarian@ yahoogroups. com, "D Frank" <dfrank_robinson@ ...> wrote:
> Hmmm. Well, if the government claims the authority to revoke citizenship
> for what it deems as 'terrorism', the people must have the reciprocal
> authority to secede from a government for what we deem as 'terrorism'.
> Threatening to revoke citizenship is much the same as a terrorism
> threat.
> To actually revoke citizenship is personal deannextion - the person
> becomes stateless. If government can declare one stateless, why cannot
> one declare oneself  'stateless' or seceded?
> --- In Libertarian@ yahoogroups. com, James C <jcpatriot@> wrote:
> >
> >
> >
> > This is dangerous. With everything that is going on lately, I think
> this country is falling apart. I hope they don't take away my
> citizenship because I am a libertarian.
> > 
> James
> > From: dcoakley@
> > To: jcpatriot@
> > Subject: Cafferty File: Tell Jack how you really feel Blog Archive -
> Should govt. revoke citizenship of Americans involved in terrorism?
> « - Blogs
> > Date: Fri, 7 May 2010 19:13:22 -0400
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > 
> http://caffertyfile .blogs.cnn. com/2010/ 05/07/should- govt-revoke- citizens\
> hip-of-americans- involved- in-terrorism/ ?hpt=T2
> > ____________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _
> > The New Busy is not the too busy. Combine all your e-mail accounts
> with Hotmail.
> >
> http://www.windowsl /thenewbusy? tile=multiaccoun t&ocid=PI\
> D28326::T:WLMTAGL: ON:WL:en- US:WM_HMP: 042010_4
> >
> > [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
> >


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