On Wed, May 26, 2010 at 11:22 PM, M Carling <mcarl...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Tom,
> I can see your point about affiliating with other parties -- though I do
> not agree with it.
> I don't see any reason why we should not expect everyone seeking to be a
> nominee of our party to be a member of our party.  I would go farther than
> just requiring party membership to mail our members.  I would additionally
> require party membership to be a nominee of our party.
> M

It has happened twice in a row, where the candidate for Governor "joined"
just a few minutes before being nominated.

 William Weld did it in 2006. He joined or somebody joined for him just
before he walked in the room to ask for our nomination.

I do not know exactly when he joined. Does anybody know?

Same thing happened this year. I do not know exactly when out current
candidate for governor joined either, but he appeared to have joined just
minutes before or after the convention started. Nobody has been willing to
answer this question either. Just exactly when did he join?

Do not you think that there should be rules to address this situation?

Sam Sloan

Sam Sloan

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