Florida Libertarian Party Convention
Posted by: "Geoff  Scott" ge...@baylp.org avanttard
Date: Wed May 26, 2010 5:06 pm  ((PDT))

Hi guys,
I've been meaning to send this for a few weeks now  but have been extremely 
busy at work.

During the last hour of the  business meeting at last months Florida LP 
convention, John Wayne Smith made a  motion to formally withdraw the Florida LP 
from the national Party.  As  soon as he said it, everyone in the room 
looked as if it was the craziest thing  they had ever heard, and at that 
I realized that nobody at the  convention with the exception of a handful 
of people I have spoken to personally  had any clue about the directions and 
changes that are being implemented by the  national party.  
I immediately used Mr. Smiths proposal as an opportunity to let  everyone 
there know about my experience on the National Platform Committee this  past 
year and informed them about various things that were talked about and  
supported by a large amount of committee members such as an anti-abortion 
 planks specifically stating that people under the magical age of 18 do not 
have  any rights, planks supporting pre-emptive strikes against other 
countries and  even a plank supporting a draft for our current war.  It left 
every single  person in that room with a face of shock and disgust.  Every
person in  that room demanded that something be done about it but since 
most people at the  convention have been completely unaware of the in-fighting 
and subversion that  has been going on at the national level, we all voted 
unanimously to table the  motion to the next florida convention pending the 
events at the national  convention.

Just thought this would be the best place to get the word  out,

Geoff Scott

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