At 04:10 AM 12/14/2006, you wrote:

> By confusing the who, the what and the how, and
> of "the Empire", which we don't have incidentally,

We don't???

That's sedition at the least, and perhaps treason, Citizen!...Of
course the US doesn't have an empire...Our Dear Leaders tell us
that such is simply Hate/Blame America talk...And they would never,
ever lie to us...Would they?...

Recommend "Confessions of an Economic Hit Man"


I'm familiar with this...And while its interesting, it doesn't do much to advance
well established knowledge of past policy motivations.

then the question -

How many times has Switzerland been attacked by

Good point. But how is Pax Americana to be maintained, if the US
adopts a position of neutrality?
                                                             Tu Ne Cede Malis 

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