> North Korea is much more of a problem to China, than
it is to us. Not only
that, but
> given the differences in economy and technology,
South Korea hasn't that
> to fear from the north either.  North Korea will
eventually destroy
itself, just as the
> old USSR did.

This has South Korea sleepless at night - they saw
what absorbing East
Germany did to West Germany and wanted no part of it.

China also does not necessarily want a new province
full of starving crazy
people.  But they also don't want to give up claim to
the Korean Penninsula.

So DPRK totters this way and then that way - and the
two neighbors gently
try to prop it back up so it doesn't fall on them, but
doesn't fall into the
arms of the other.

The United States has no business having an opinion
one way or the other
over yonder.  South Korea and China are filled with
adults and can damned
well handle their own business.

Jay ~Meow!~

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