This is a complaint concerning your gas station at 308 Delaware Ave in Delmar NY
12054.  Phone number listed on the receipt 518-439-4063.

On April 25, 2007 at about 8:20pm, I appeared at the above named facility to top
off my gas tank while the price was 25 cents per gallon lower than your
competitors for premium.

At pump #2, I noted the showing pumped total to be $35.41 from a previous
purchase.  I also noted no employee visible in the building.  When I cycled the
pump on, it would not reset.  I attempted to recycle the pump twice, no joy.

Finally, a station employee finally appears, and demands that I pay him $35.41,
the amount showing on the pump, or he will call the police.  I refuse, he calls.
The responding police officer makes it clear that even without any taped
evidence I will be arrested if I do not pay.

I paid, see attached receipt, under protest.  See also the receipt from my
previous fill-up in Port Jervis, NY on Sunday, April 22nd.  Please note that it
is 123 miles from Port Jervis to Delmar NY.  I happen to drive a 20 year old car
with a 2.5L engine that gets 25 MPG on a bad day.  You do the math:  Even
allowing 35 miles for 3 days of commuting, there is no possible way that I would
have needed 12 gallons to top off my gas tank on this particular occasion.

As far as I am concerned, your company, represented by this station and it's
employees, stole $35.41 from me.  I strongly suggest that you investigate this
matter and make it right.

If you wish to speak to me directly on this matter, I can be reached 24/7 at

Thank you for your attention.

"Government is a sick creature which dreams sadomasochistic fantasies
of paranoid power trips, inflicts them upon us, and demands that we
like it or die."      - Carl Bussjaeger  13 Oct 2002
Kip Hawley Is An Idiot!
Abuses by the BATF

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