--- In LibertarianEnterprise@yahoogroups.com, "Zack Bass" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> What I never could figure out is why anyone would want to tie up his
> money in a "Promise" to back up a piece of paper with Gold (or Silver
> or Platinum or whatever).  

Then you aren't very clever.  Gosh, what a complete surprise.

The digital and paper warehouse receipts circulate as money.  Tens of
thousands of stores accept e-gold.  Many thousands of stores and
individuals accept Liberty Dollar paper currency.  

Money as a store of value is great.  Money also has use as a medium of
exchange.  Money also has use as a unit of account.  Both e-gold and
Liberty Dollars create value for their customers by making useful
money available.

And, frankly, your efforts to hijack this thread to post a bunch of
links to sites you like, and minimize the viciousness of the
jackbooted thugs that you employ as a taxpayer to work your evil will
in the world through coercion are not welcome.  I think it basically
indecent of you to ignore the suffering of my friends Doug Jackson and
 Bernard von NotHaus.  You are unfriendly.

As a matter of fact, my opinion in this matter is significant.  I
would, among other things, ask that you exercise some self-restraint
in use of language.  I would like to see this discussion available to
families with children as well as whichever foul-mouthed claque you
hang with.



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