From: "Zack Bass" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> --- In, "Jim" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> wrote:
> > 
> > Then again I've often thought of setting up a generator,
> > a water tank, and a balloon with dangling chains as a sort
> > of instant barrage balloon.
> > Helicopters arrive, on goes the generator, hydrogen comes
> > out of the water, up goes the balloon.
> > Make it out of kevlar for extra frustration.
> >
> Instant?  I'd test the speed of generation of hydrogen with that setup
> if I were you.
> Might better have a hydrogen tank.  EMP-proof too.
> Or a gaggle of geese.

Plus, Kevlar is very porous to small molecules.  It comes as thread, not film.  
In any thickness of Kevlar fabric (I'd assume backed by Mylar to actually hold 
the gas in) strong enough to stop more than a spitball, it's too fewkin' heavy. 
 (I've actually spent a lot of time researching materials for lighter-than-air 
systems, since well before El Neil mentioned them in TPB).

Electrolysis, yes, is very slow.  Speeding it up to a rate to fill an effective 
barrage balloon would probably (I'd set the odds at 99.999%) cause an 
explosion.  As usual, I hate to agree with Larry, but tanks of gas (hydrogen 
works, helium is expensive) are the better choice.  You can fill the tanks 
yourself, even using electrolysis, but to do it safely takes time, expensive 
gear and a gagload of energy.
Ward Griffiths    [EMAIL PROTECTED]

These histrionics were probably unnecessary, since there was no reason to think 
anybody would be watching us with more than casual interest until I made my 
first move to follow Buchanon's trail, in London.  Still, somebody might check 
back this far later, and I always feel that if you're going to play a part, you 
might as well play it all the way, at least in public -- and it's hard to tell 
what's public and what isn't, these electronic days.
Donald Hamilton, _The Devastators_, 1965

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