George Phillies for President 2008


Phillies:  Time to End the Wars

Worcester, Mass., May 14:  "We are at 'war' with everything, it seems," said
Libertarian Presidential  hopeful George Phillies in a statement earlier
today.  "We have the War on Iraq.  The War on the Constitution. The War on
(some, but not other) drugs.  The War on Guns.  The War on Science.  It's
time to end these wars."

Phillies outlined the cost of all the various "wars" the United States is
fighting, pointing out that a baby born today can expect to be responsible
for at least $200,000 of government debt.  "We must change, or we will go
broke," he emphasized.

He not only spoke about the war on Iraq, which he said should be ended
"already," but about the failures of prohibition and the parallels in the
war on drugs.  "The War on Drugs leaves two million Americans in prison, and
insures that millions of others will forever have felony records for smoking
the wrong dried leaf.  That's millions of Americans whose lifetime
participation in our thriving economy will be pointlessly hindered.  The War
on Drugs, and specifically on marijuana, is racist to the core, with
selective enforcement and a racial double standard on jail time.  The war on
drugs means that pot smugglers, like the booze smugglers of the prohibition
era, settle marketing disputes with guns. Ending booze prohibition meant no
more Saint  Valentine's Day massacres. Ending drug prohibition will end
battles that accidentally kill innocent children."

He went on to discuss the battle over gun control.  "The war on guns
endangers the lives and safety of millions of Americans.  In America, home
invasion--breaking into an occupied home to rob and assault the
occupants--is very rare.  In England, it's common.  That's because Americans
own guns, so home invasion is potentially a suicidal act.  That's why
European tyrants try to disarm their subjects; victim disarmament means your
secret police can live to enjoy their pensions. Ending efforts to disarm
Americans will make America safer and less crime-ridden, while protecting
the civil liberties for which George Washington's volunteer army gave their

"No real Libertarians disagree," he added.  "Even Senators Obama and McCain
voted for the Vitter Amendment banning firearms confiscation.

"Not only is it time to end all these wars," said Dr. Phillies, "but it's
time to stop thinking in terms of 'war' every time we have a problem to
solve. Except for Iraq, these are not wars, and we cheapen the sacrifice of
those who fight on our behalf in real wars by calling them such.  War is a
tool of statecraft reserved for the most desperate circumstances, not a word
to be lightly applied to every problem."

61 trillion dollars in spending not covered by taxes. --  General Accounting
Office Report A call for Stewardship
(61 trillion dollars over 300 million people is quoted here.)

A sea of lies see especially
pp. 1-4

The Vitter Amendment text and vote

Racial Disparities Found to Persist as Drug Arrests Rise

To support the George Phillies campaign, please visit <> today.

To arrange an interview or obtain a short quote from the candidate, contact:
Carolyn Marbry, Press
(510) 276-3216
*George Phillies for President 2008


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