George Phillies for President 2008


Phillies Salutes Advance of Liberty in California

*Worcester, Mass., May 15:  *Libertarian Presidential candidate George
Phillies today congratulated Californians on their latest step toward
freedom, the legalization of gay marriage in California. "It is wonderful to
hear that once again our Courts have defended our Constitutional rights,"
Phillies said. "Once again, our courts have agreed that separate is not and
cannot be equal. To to the people of California I say: Thank you for taking
another step toward liberty and equality for all. To my civil-union
supporting Democratic opponents I have a shorter message: Civil unions are
major-party apartheid for GLBTQ people.

The California Supreme Court, ruling on In re Marriage Cases, today found
that the California Constitution made clear: If gays and lesbians are
allowed a status that is substantially the same as marriage, it may not be
given a different name.

"The people of California could have avoided this long and expensive trial,"
Phillies said, "but their spineless governor, loyal to the conservative
philosophy of bigotry, vetoed bills establishing that marriage is for gay as
well as straight adults."

"Voters should remember that conservative bigotry can be bipartisan,"
Phillies continued. "The bigoted Defense of Marriage Act was authored by a
Republican and passed with bipartisan support. The trail from the terrorist
Ku Klux Klan through White Citizens Council to its most recent successor,
the Conservative Citizens Council, winds from the Democratic over to the
Republican party.

 "Americans should cheer the good news that conservative bigotry has been
driven back. You can tell when bigotry is losing at the Federal level,"
Phillies noted, "because conservative bigots start bleating about their Jim
Crow 'states rights' doctrine. Patriotic Americans know the truth: States
have no right to take away your liberties.

"The conservative philosophy of bigotry is a vast tapestry," Phillies said,
"but it is all woven from the same thread. No matter whether conservatives
are bashing lesbians, banning internet gambling, or so shocked by the
thought of a woman's breast that they forbid women to breast-feed their
hungry infants in public, they are practicing bigotry.  Americans should see
and reject the bigotry that lurks in the dark heart and soul of far too much
conservative thinking."

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 Decision in In Re Marriage Cases: of

 Concerned Citizens

To support the George Phillies campaign, please visit <> today.

To arrange an interview or obtain a short quote from the candidate, contact:
Carolyn Marbry, Press
(510) 276-3216
*George Phillies for President 2008


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