At 12:36 AM 5/29/2008, you wrote:

hrearden_hr wrote:
> I just listened to the May 27 episode of Kubby's show on Blog Talk
> Radio. Kubby believes that Barr should be supported.

As much as I'd like to see a RP write in campaign unified behind,
it would at most be a protest vote. On the other hand, the strangle hold
the one party calling itself two parties has on the political process,
especially on the national and presidential levels, would actually seem
to be more important to break than any protest vote would matter.
We are not going to break that strangle hold without unity.
The enemy loves and depends on disunity in our ranks, and as
long as we are not united in purpose to break that strangle hold, we
will have the yoke of slavery upon our backs.

Goat, *anything* that even has a ghost of a chance of breaking that strangle
hold WILL be crushed, before it gets even close to threatening the Powers
that Be's control of the system. Close to three Trillion a year buys a LOT of power.
Do you really think that they are going to let that go?  The last time anything
really threatened their total control, 620,000 of our people paid with their lives. The expected death toll this time around will be in the millions. Two statements
define the political process. "I don't care who votes, as long as I pick the
candidates". "Those who cast the votes determine nothing. Those who count the
votes determine everything".  You've seen their near total disregard for the
Constitution and Bill of Rights up to this point(and a total absence of effective opposition). What is needed is intelligent analysis of the system, and creative understandings of its component parts. These may be of interest to some. I can't
say I agree with everything involved, but its a good over view.
                                                             Tu Ne Cede Malis 

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