SAN ANTONIO (AP) - In a crushing blow to the state's massive seizure of 
children from a polygamist sect's ranch, the Texas Supreme Court ruled Thursday 
that child welfare officials overstepped their authority and the children 
should go back to their parents.

The high court affirmed a decision by an appellate court last week, saying 
Child Protective Services failed to show an immediate danger to the more than 
400 children swept up from the Yearning For Zion Ranch nearly two months ago.

"On the record before us, removal of the children was not warranted," the 
justices said in their ruling issued in Austin.

The high court let stand the appellate court's order that Texas District Judge 
Barbara Walther return the children from foster care to their parents. It's not 
clear how soon that may happen, but the appellate court ordered her to do it 
within a reasonable time period.

                  (AP) Sect elder Willie Jessop, left, of the Fundamentalist 
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints,...
                  Full Image 
The ruling shatters one of the largest child-custody cases in U.S. history.


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