--- In [EMAIL PROTECTED], "Don & Sandy Duncan"

----- Original Message ----- 
Sent: Tuesday, June 24, 2008 6:10 AM
Subject: I'm Better Than You

> Hash: SHA1
>            I'm Better Than You
> Dear Subscriber,
> Why is it that so many people treat one's political affiliation as
> no more significant than one's preference of ice cream flavor or
> choice of hats? People talk as if "politics" is something that
> polite people shouldn't bring up, because we wouldn't want to
> offend someone who simply has a different political viewpoint.
> After all, someone's party affiliation has nothing to do with
> whether he's a good person, does it?
> Someone's "political" belief is nothing more than an opinion about
> what type and what degree of VIOLENCE should be initiated against
> everyone else. How is that NOT a moral issue? How does that NOT
> reflect on whether the person is moral or immoral, good or evil?
> People who supported the Nazis, or supported slavery, supported
> something EVIL. Calling it "politics," and treating it like
> something of no importance is looney.
> In this age of moral relativism, people like to imagine that every
> opinion is "equally valid." Aside from being patently insane (is
> the "opinion" that 2 + 2 = 5 as "valid" as the "opinion" that 2 + 2
> = 4?), it also serves as a great get-out-of-responsibility-free
> card for all those who advocate unjust violence--which is almost
> everyone.
> In fact, many can only just barely bring themselves to say that
> someone who routinely robs and kills people is a bad person.
> (They'd rather say he is misunderstood, or had a rough childhood.)
> Well, guess what: if you steal from people and assault people, and
> I don't, I'm a BETTER person than you. Yes, I know that's very
> "judgmental" of me to say. Too bad. But here comes the part 99.999%
> of Americans really won't like:
> If you advocate robbery via "taxation," or murder via "war," or
> kidnapping via "law enforcement" of non-violent "crimes," then I'm
> a BETTER person than you, because I don't. Politics is 100% about
> morality. If you advocate unjust violence, as ALL Republicans and
> ALL Democrats do, you are a WORSE human being than those who don't.
> And the ONLY people who DON'T advocate the initiation of violence
> against their neighbors at all are anarchists (voluntaryists) and
> "hard core" libertarians.
> You can wear the "honest, upstanding, church-going model citizen"
> badge all you want, but if, via your "vote" or your expressed
> opinions, you are a proponent of the initiation of violence against
> innocent people, then you are a BAD PERSON. Yes, someone ELSE will
> be carrying out the evil you support, but that doesn't make you
> blameless or good; it makes you evil AND a coward, for not doing it
> your own dang self.
> I'm finished treating people as if they aren't responsible for the
> evils committed as a direct result of their "political beliefs." If
> today someone publicly admitted to being a Nazi, he would be
> rightfully subjected to scorn and ostracization. Well, when
> Americans admit to subscribing to the modern Nazi-lite parties
> (Republican and Democrat), why should they get a pass? Why is it
> OKAY for half the beer-swilling country to support the forced
> imprisonment of nearly two MILLION human beings for possessing a
> DIFFERENT mind-altering substance? It isn't. Why is it OKAY for
> almost all of the country to advocate the extortion and robbery of
> anyone who has more than they do? It isn't. And why do these people
> think they have a right to advocate such evil, and a right to not
> be publicly condemned for it?
> Today (6/24/08) happens to be my 40th birthday. My birthday wish is
> that all those of you who understand and advocate freedom (I mean
> all the way) ask some statist you know why he feels okay about
> advocating that YOU be forcibly robbed every year to pay for things
> you don't support--whether it's the welfare state, the military,
> etc. See what he says. And see if he can look you in the eye, with
> an expression of confidence and shamelessness, as he explains to
> you why it's okay for him to want you forcibly controlled and
> extorted.
> Sincerely,
> Larken Rose
> http://www.tyrantbook.com
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