--- In LibertarianEnterprise@yahoogroups.com, "Robert D. Silvetz,
M.D." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Whose giving up.  All I have pointed out is that this historic
decision is mostly laughable and won't do a whole hell of a lot
because it left 19998 laws on the books and ALL because the damn
Heller attorney said that the licensing scheme was constitutional if
not capriciously or arbitrarily enforced.  Huh?  The WHOLE POINT of
the lawsuit was to blow these prior-restraint permit/license bans out
of the water.

Yeah but if they had decided the OTHER way then States would jump at
the chance to enact even more intrusive Gun Laws, since there would be
no Individual Right To Bear Arms at all.  This decision means the Feds
are keeping some reins on the States, even more than before this
decision.  Thank god for the Feds, our saviors from Local Tyrants!

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