Interesting theory.  Barr is accused of taking an anti-libertarian
stance on Immigration, and your defense of him is to state that YOU
TOO are anti-libertarian on this issue.

To stop me, a U.S. Citizen, from inviting my foreign friends to come
visit me, is definitely anti-libertarian.  There is no way you can
justify that.  You can oppose Welfare for them, and libertarians will
join you in that.

--- In, Boyd Smith
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------
> - And today, in a truly bizarre fundraising letter, Barr played the
Know-Nothing card, effectively screaming from the rooftop: "Support me
-- I'm not as LIBERTARIAN as John McCain and Barack Obama on
immigration. "
> --------------------------------------------------------
> This is where I have to disagree with you as to what the best policy
must be.  Currently we have large numbers of individuals coming in
from Mexico with intent to commit crimes, steal medical services, and
steal welfare.  Most of these individuals are not here to work.  They
are here with criminal intent.  They are by and large dishonest
people.  This is a conclusion based upon a cursory examination of the
available evidence.  We cannot support the people coming across the
border by way of welfare.  They are not being stopped. In fact both
McCain and Obama support allowing more people in so that hey can go
directly onto the dole.  Barr is against this.  So until we can
dismantle the welfare state something needs to be done.  The free flow
of labor is one thing, this is something different.  Most of these
individuals are not coming in with the intention of working, but with
the intent of stealing property, welfare and medical services.  That
needs to be
>  addressed quickly as it is a major problem.

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