I received this by email yesterday (July 4th) and thought it was
especially appropriate and maybe even suitable for TLE publication:

Blind Nationalism

Today is a day when millions of victims of a tyrannical regime go out
and proudly display their blind loyalty to that regime. The modern
celebrations which occur on July 4th make about as much sense as Jews
proudly parading around carrying banners of Swastikas.

What, exactly, does the American flag represent? I don't mean what do
you WISH it represented--I mean, given how it is used and displayed
today, what must it ACTUALLY represent? Well, the nationalistic "pledge
of allegiance" says that the flag stands for a "Republic." In other
words, millions of children (not to mention adults) are trained to swear
allegiance to a FLAG and a GOVERNMENT.

Ew. How revolting.

A lot of people have told me they think I'm a "true patriot." I know
they mean it as a compliment, but I'm not sure why. What is it that I'm
being loyal to? It sure as heck isn't the government, or a piece of
cloth (the flag). In short, I'm loyal to the idea of FREEDOM--that every
individual rightfully owns himself, and that any infringement upon that
right (e.g., ALL "government") is an evil abomination.

Now, some people like to imagine that that is what the U.S. of A. is
about: freedom. However, I don't see a shred of support for such a
claim. A couple hundred years ago you might have been able to make such
an argument, but what about today? Most of the country continues to vote
for one of two clubs of nationalist socialists, though they use the
meaningless names "Democratic" and "Republican." Neither club cares a
whit about freedom, inalienable rights, or even the flawed Constitution.

So in what way can the U.S. be called pro-freedom? The tyrants in
Washington obviously aren't, nor are the sheep who elect them. In short,
if you care about freedom, waving the American flag now makes about as
much sense as waving the flag of the Soviet Union. Whatever you WISH it
represented, it is now in reality a symbol of tyranny, at home and
abroad. Do you really think the symbol that flies over all of the giant
monuments to power--the federal buildings--represents liberty anymore?

If you love freedom, as I do, there is no country on earth for you.
Every flag, every nation, stands for your enslavement, in one way or
another. The megalomaniacs have their tentacles just about everywhere.
But what is more sickening than that is how the same people being
controlled, taxed, and regulated into economic and psychological ruin
will be out in force today, celebrating their purely imagined "freedom."
I, for one, can't stand the sight of it anymore, so don't expect to see
me at any parades or celebrations. Unlike 99.9% of this country, I see
no reason to celebrate my own enslavement.

But have a Happy Dependence Day anyway. "If you're free and you know it,
clank your chains!" <clank, clank>...


Larken Rose
http://www.larkenrose.com <http://www.larkenrose.com/>

Larken Rose hails from Bryn Athyn, a borough of3000 inhabitants that
sports its very own Gothic cathedral, castle,French chateau, English
manor house, and schools system. In thisnational center of the
Swedenborgian religion, the children of freethinkers and New Agers go to
school with the kids of staunchconservatives, and battles are waged over
the killing of dandelions andwomen in the priesthood.

In a town that produces interesting people, Larken Rose catapultedabove
the rest by challenging the federal government to refute hisreading of
the tax code and answer his questions before he would givethem another
dime. In 2002, he produced a video explaining his researchand
conclusions. The video sold briskly for several years until
thegovernment railroaded the 37-year-old vocal upstart into
federalprison. His conclusions were never refuted; his questions

Roseʼs interest in politics goes back to his youth. He was
alwayspassionately interested in the freedom of his fellow man,
movingintellectually from conservatism through libertarianism to
anarchism. How to be a Successful Tyrantis his first published work on
the dynamics of tyranny, written betweenhis conviction in federal court
and his surrender to prison, where heis busy writing his next book.

Before going to prison, Rose lived with his wife Tessa and
daughterElyssa in a modest home in Pennsylvania, where they count the
daysuntil he returns.

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