-------------- Original message ----------------------
From: "Gary F. York" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > From: "Gary F. York" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >   
> >> Zack,
> >>
> >> (First let me say I share your opinion of 'modern art'.)
> >>
> >> I really am trying to understand "where you're coming from."  Do please 
> >> have patience if I get it wrong.
> >>     
> >
> > You're going to have to go through the archives for that, son.  
> Actually, yesterday I attempted to do that.  Yahoo wanted me to log in. 
> Sadly, I no longer recall which username and password I used long ago to 
> join the various groups I now belong to.  In extremis, I'll just join 
> Yahoo anew.

Had to do that several times.  Yahoo's servers have lousy memories.

> > Basically, he feels it's his right to fuck on his front lawn with however 
> > many 
> women he can attract or rent.  He's seriously into polygyny.  I happen to 
> agree 
> that that is his right.  I also prefer to use the back yard, as I don't need 
> an 
> audience to prove my studliness.  I'm also more of a polyandrist.  As 
> Eastwood 
> said, "A man's got to know his limitations".  I'm not a major stud, but from 
> evolution I've got good hands and I'm a tool user.
> >   
> Hey, maybe he's an exhibitionist too.  I presume he'd honor a contract 
> (if he actually  agreed to sign one) prohibiting such things.
> "Tool user."  Good one.

My ancestors (also yours whichever clan of human you claim) chased antelope and 
baboons for at least a couple of million years across Africa before migrating 
to worse climates.  They were usually carrying the thighbones of antelopes 
they'd already eaten.  The original "caveman" club was not made of wood.

> Well, I haven't been on this list long enough to say this with any 
> impact; but, hell, I'll say it anyway.  He may be an asshole, but he's 
> _our_ asshole.

I do not claim possession.  He's yours if you want him.  

> I confess I've become a little impatient from time to time.  Fortunately 
> (or not) my more negative emotions tend to fade rapidly and I've so far 
> managed to restrain myself from over-hasty replies.
> On a more positive note he has a good imagination, can be thoughtful, 
> and does seem deeply committed to libertarian ideals.  Did I mention, 
> helpful?  That too.
> I hope that he and I will yet find an area of genuine and substantial 
> disagreement that we may probe to our mutual benefit.  I'd expect I'd 
> like that quite a lot.  It remains to be seen whether he can argue a 
> position without painting his disputant as an enemy -- without becoming 
> hostile.

Optimists think we live in the best of all possible worlds,  Pessimists are 
afraid the optimists may be right.

> I still recall fondly a dispute I had at a party long ago.  I no longer 
> recall the subject matter; philosophical, probably -- perhaps even 
> religion.  My disputant was a Jesuit Seminarian who seemed able to 
> appreciate a good argument even as he set about to demolish it.  A 
> splendid time was had by all.  Sadly, not everyone is capable of that 
> level of simultaneous engagement and distance.

Funny, I never discussed religion with Father Dolan.  (At the time he was 
second in charge of the matrimonial tribunal for the Archdiocese of Los 
Angeles).  He knew I was an atheist and a better biblical scholar than he was.  
I listened to a long debate between Jarlath (yes, we were on a first name 
basis) and my ex-wife (she's Gardinerian Wiccan), and the Irish branch of the 
Church dealt with pagans for a long time before the reconciliation with Rome a 
century and a half ago.  We were friends, I was the software support guy, she 
did field hardware support for the Xenix systems we installed there to help 
with the paperwork (at the time we were both working for Tandy/Radio Shack, out 
of different offices).  The discussion happened when Monsignor Helmut (Jarlath 
Dolan's boss) bought supper (at the Pasadena Sizzler).

I respect (and love and despise) Larry a lot too, but you've got a lot of work 
and a hell of a challenge ahead of you.  Just don't take anything he says at 
face value.

Oh, and I've had that problem with Yahoo also.  On my third Yahoo ID these 
days.  Good thing I don't use those ID's for anything important.  Nor the ones 
at AOL and Google.  Haven't checked my Google mail in months.  Hope there 
wasn't anything I really needed to know.
Ward Griffiths    [EMAIL PROTECTED]

"What I know [about the art of the sword] boils down to this:  If you see a guy 
running at you with a sword, put two rounds in his chest to slow him down, then 
one into his brain to finish him off".  Aaron Allston, _Sidhe Devil_

The two halves of the ruling Party are arguing over who gets to be the Top this 
time.  Either wins, Top or Bottom, they both win by the situation.  For us 
individuals, BOHICA.

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