--- In LibertarianEnterprise@yahoogroups.com, "Gary F. York"
> It would be interesting to see if we agree
> which of her arguments are mistaken.

One thing she missed, and this is not actually a mistake so much as a
missed opportunity, is that she could have pointed out although that
his "Covenant Of Unanimous Consent" Community is "NAP-libertarian" in
the sense that no one Initiates Force (her protestations about
children being born there etc, are not compelling), it is certainly
not Free.  She did, fortunately, eventually point out that one holdout
could clog the system up forever, since any "Covenant Of Unanimous
Consent" implies that everyone has Veto Power.  But she shouldn't
argue it; the existence of such a hellhole harms no one outside, and
anyone remains inside it is his choice, and everyone could leave and
the whole human race could live elsewhere and the Covenant could then
be considered defunct and I suppose the Property could be sold WITHOUT
the onerous restrictions.  It is possible that one holdout could end
up with the whole place to himself for eternity, but I can live with
that.  The Owners of the Property chose to saddle themselves with Deed
Restrictions, and that is their right.
(She also misses when she thinks it has to be some sort of Commune
with no Individual Ownership of Land - seemingly unaware of Deed
Restrictions and CCR's and HomeOwners Associations.  All HomeOwners
Associations I have heard of set up some kind of non-Unanimous Voting
system, which of course attracts the worst meddling busybodies; but a
Unanimous one could be set up.)

She misses a bit on Slavery.  It is entirely possible (and likely, I
submit) that some people would, for perceived Value, submit to
Consensual Slavery for the rest of their lives.  There is nothing
unlibertarian about that.

Jane has five children, all of whom have a dreadful genetic disorder
for which Medical Science has just discovered a marvelous - and
marvelously expensive - cure.
Kevin is desirous of having a sex slave.  He draws up a Contract
whereby Jane can have certain assurances but will be his Slave from
the minute she signs the Contract.  The Contract specifies that John
will provide a certain amount of money in a Trust Fund for the medical
care of her children.

You own your body.  Whatever you own, you can Trade - permanently. 
That is part of the meaning of Ownership.
You'd be surprised how often I see alleged libertarians deny that you
can sell your body into Slavery or the Body Banks.  A couple days ago
I actually saw someone write that you cannot sell "yourself" BECAUSE
you own "yourself".  BeeZarre!

Part of their confusion arises from the vague and ambiguously-used
word "yourself".  No, sorry, you own your BODY but you do not own
YOURSELF.  The relationship between You and Yourself is IDENTITY, not
As Brother Dave Gardner said, "They told me if I keep smoking I'll
hurt myself.  Nah... I might screw up my BODY, but there ain't no way
I'm gonna hurt my SELF!"

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