> From: "Gary F. York" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>> Cohusband?  CO-husband?  Do tell. (But to ensure it's on-topic, be sure 
>> to emphasize how your living arrangements exemplify or  contravene 
>> libertarian principles.  :)  )
> What aspect of marriage between any number of individuals in any combinations 
> of genders _isn't_ libertarian?  Even celibacy and monogamy are libertarian 
> if you don't try to force those standards on other people.
That'll do.
> Short version.  Bill and I became brothers our freshman year at Sierra High 
> School in Whittier CA (don't bother looking it up, it closed decades ago 
> after Prop 13).  Yeah, same town Nixon went to college.  Main nerds in school 
> (the word hadn't been invented yet).  The next summer, I moved to New 
> Hampshire (to live with my grandmother, the rest of the family following 
> after), Bill moved to Colorado to live with his (genetic) father.  These 
> moves were not connected, but Bill and I kept in touch.  Bill went straight 
> into the USAF after high school.  I tried to go to Georgia Tech, couldn't 
> afford it and wound up in the USAF (unconnected, it had been a year since the 
> last exchange of letters) before the end of the school year.  Bill met Naomi 
> in tech school (fighter jet engine maintenance), they got married when I was 
> a week and a half into Basic, no safe way for me to hitch out to Vegas and be 
> best man.  After I finished tech school (avionics) I stopped off home in New 
> Hampshire then v
> isited them in New Mexico.  They proposed, I accepted.  Went on to Travis 
> AFB, my only permanent duty station for the next 3.5 years.  Joined them at 
> New Years for the consummation of our marriage.  Me being in California and 
> them being in New Mexico (and later, Florida then Nevada) meant that our 
> meetings were infrequent.  At most a couple of weeks a year except for that 
> month TDY to Eglin, where they were stationed.  {MAC and TAC didn't really 
> overlap much).
I did my Basic at Lackland in '66, a year of tech school at Keesler 
(basic and computer electronics), OJT at Luke, more tech school at 
Keesler, then a final couple of years in Germany (Berkenfled and 
> After discharge, I was trying to get some further education at a community 
> college and work for a now extinct company in the South Bay, things went sort 
> of tits up.  I finally moved in with them in Las Vegas.  For good.  It worked 
> fine for almost two years.  Then Bill went psycho, spent their 7th legal 
> anniversary (I wasn't legal) locking everybody out of the bedroom while he 
> spent the day with a 16yo (I _think_ she was that old) girlfriend.  Friends 
> restrained me from breaking in the door and killing him.  I moved out with a 
> to share an apartment with a lady I'd met the previous February in Anaheim 
> (Aquacon 1) who'd moved in with us.  (That same Con, Naomi wound up in bed 
> next to us with one of Deby's ex lovers).  A month later Deby had moved up 
> from L.A. and fell in love with Bill too.  And out of love the day I did.
> Further details not needed.  Deby and I left, less than a year later Bill and 
> Naomi divorced.  Bill stayed in the USAF, marrying the chiclet (apparently 
> got his vasectomy reversed, they had a passel of kids) and eventually after 
> his 20 retiring in Oklahoma.  He also got God.  (When we were young he was as 
> adamantly atheist as I was then, and I'm more so after a few further readings 
> of several translations of the Bible).  He forgives me.  For sins he 
> committed but were apparently my fault.  The damned swine.  I'll forgive him 
> by pouring a bottle of Jim Bean Yellow Label on his grave.  After filtering 
> it through my kidneys.
> Naomi lives in the Five Boroughs with an ex-roommate of SEK3, I think this 
> year is either their their 19th of 20th wedding anniversary.  When I came 
> east, I stayed with them for a few weeks.  They introduced me to one of 
> Mike's ex lovers.  (Naomi had some sense about my taste in women).  We 
> shacked up for six years, we've been legal for almost eleven.more.  It's 
> open, but she gets to exercise that option more than I do.  (I'm ugly and 
> getting old -- can't attract chicks).
> Everyone mentioned is (as far as I know, you never can be sure about Oklahoma 
> born-agains)  heterosexual.
> --
> Ward Griffiths    [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sorry to hear about Bill.  Sounds like you've had your ups and downs.  
Hope the ups predominated.

I recall trying to contact SEK3 after reading, "Alongside Night."  
Nothing came of it.

I offered refuge to a lovely ex-college friend who'd been living with 
her hyper-critical mother.  When she called her probation officer to 
report a change of address he informed her that "unmarried cohabitation" 
was against the law in this state and that, while she was on probation, 
she was expected to adhere to the letter of the law.  We got married.

In a few weeks, we moved her girl-friend in (both were bi).  That was 
fun -- for a few months. 

Too soon she began drinking a bit much when she partied, and then she'd 
drive off looking to apologize to an ex-girlfriend who had obtained a 
restraining order against her.  After bailing her out a few times for 
DWI, I insisted (pleaded actually) that something had to change.  After 
a few weeks, she chose to move out rather than give up the alcohol.   A 
year or so later we cut the knot legally.  (About ten years later she 
sought me out in Chicago to complete some portion of a twelve step 
program for AA.  As far as I know, she has remained sober since.)

As much as I had enjoyed reading Robert Rimmer, that proved to be the 
last polyamourous development in my life as well as my only marriage.  
(Not mind you, that the experience turned me off of polyamory; just 
nothing else developed.)

Now, as you report of yourself, I'm too old and ugly to expect any 
further, ah, developments. :)
I took a look at your website; I could probably sub for you in a photo 
if the focus wasn't too tight.


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