Zack Bass wrote:
> --- In, "Gary F. York"
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>> They punish honest Street Pharmacists here too.
>>> Doesn't make it right.
>> Not germane.
> Bullshit.  You cited the current practice in support of some
> unlibertarian notion of yours.  THAT was not germane.
Well, I'll grant you that I can now, "through a glass, darkly," see how 
your comment was, just barely, germane.  Off the wall, maybe; but germane.

But to suggest that my 'notion' is a priori "unlibertarian" is to beg 
the question.  We are presently considering whether your 'notion' of 
libertarian contract law holds water, or whether mine (or yet another) 
shall prevail.

We are each advancing arguments for our differing points of few.  To 
declare a 'notion' of mine "unlibertarian" is to abandon argument and 
unilaterally declare victory.  I'm having fun and I hope you are too.  
Don't you intend to continue?

> This is not to be a discussion of what is done NOW.  We have to agree
> at the outset that they are doing it Wrong, here, today.
Au contraire mon ami; _some_ of what they are doing is wrong.  They 
would have to be exceptionally intelligent to have gotten it all exactly 
bass ackwards.  (And remind me; who is 'they'?)
> "Ayn Rand had no use for the past.  She was going to invent
> the world anew."
>        --  Milton Friedman (_Reason_ Magazine, June 1995)
Good grief; Ayn hung on to 'government' didn't she?  With all due 
respect to Milton, whatever was he thinking?


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