(1) Do you reckon there is a role for involvement of "The State" in the case of 
someone killing 
(A) a one-hour-old person?
(B) A one-day-old person?
(C) A one-year-old person?
(D) A 60-year-old person?

(2) Same question, but substitute "the man's neighbors" for "The State".

--- In LibertarianEnterprise@yahoogroups.com, "Dennis Lee Wilson" 
<dennisleewil...@...> wrote:
> http://www.ncc-1776.org/tle2010/tle556-20100207-09.html
> <http://www.ncc-1776.org/tle2010/tle556-20100207-09.html>
> Number 556, February 7, 2010
> Run and Hide; The Kaptain's Back
> The Kaptain's Log
> by Manuel Miles
> aka Kaptain Kanada
> Gee. Did "Kaptain K" read the same article by Smith that I read? I found
> nothing in Smith's  "Abortion: An Excerpt From Hope"
> <http://www.ncc-1776.org/tle2008/tle485-20080921-02.html>   that even
> HINTED about "Forcing somebody to have an abortion" or having the
> government pay for abortions.
> The Kaptain trots out all the same old ad nauseum arguments AGAINST
> abortion (which of course is why this whole issue is a red herring
> intended to divide libertarians) but completely ignores Smith's point
> (which is also the ENTIRE point of  "Abortion: An Excerpt From Hope
> <http://www.ncc-1776.org/tle2008/tle485-20080921-02.html> ) about WHY
> The Kaptain is doing exactly what Smith's excerpt predicted. I wonder if
> KK knows the meaning of irony?
> Dennis Lee Wilson
> Signatory: Covenant of Unanimous Consent

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