I had been invited to speak at Libertopia, and had agreed to do so.

Then I wrote about Joe Stack flying a plane into an IRS building.  Jason Talley 
pronounced me an idiot, Joyce Brand agreed.  Talley also had a number of 
outrageously homophobic things to say in his rants against me on Google Buzz.

So I withdrew from speaking.

Several years ago I was invited to speak at FreedomFest 2005.  But Mark Skousen 
made it clear at a convention in New Orleans in November 2004 that any member 
of the audience who disagreed with anything I said should be entitled to beat 
me up.  Skousen actually staged such a fight between Doug Casey and a 
disgruntled marine who didn't like something Casey had said.

Naturally, I withdrew from speaking at FreedomFest.

I won't ever speak at Libertopia.  I won't ever speak at FreedomFest.

These are my choices, and they are not negotiable.

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