At 06:00 PM 8/8/2010, you wrote:
>I had been invited to speak at Libertopia, and had agreed to do so.
>Then I wrote about Joe Stack flying a plane into an IRS building. 
>Jason Talley pronounced me an idiot, Joyce Brand agreed. Talley also 
>had a number of outrageously homophobic things to say in his rants 
>against me on Google Buzz.
>So I withdrew from speaking.
>Several years ago I was invited to speak at FreedomFest 2005. But 
>Mark Skousen made it clear at a convention in New Orleans in 
>November 2004 that any member of the audience who disagreed with 
>anything I said should be entitled to beat me up. Skousen actually 
>staged such a fight between Doug Casey and a disgruntled marine who 
>didn't like something Casey had said.
>Naturally, I withdrew from speaking at FreedomFest.
>I won't ever speak at Libertopia. I won't ever speak at FreedomFest.
>These are my choices, and they are not negotiable.

That's too bad Jim. I've almost always enjoyed your articles. I may 
not always agree with you on everything, but you've always struck me 
as an intelligent, thoughtful person who cares about liberty and the 
principles there of.
Not to place too fine a point on this, but you remind me of this 
generations Patrick Henry.  He as you well know, was also widely 
regarded by his peers as a radical, and thus a dangerous 
individual.   History has shown the truth of his fears about the 
expansion of the central government established by the federalists.

I'd not place too much stock on the opinions of various LINO's. They 
are much closer to one or the other aspect of our one party state, 
than they are libertarians.  

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