--- In LibertarianEnterprise@yahoogroups.com, wdg...@... wrote:
> Like the next time we catch Larry with a 10-year-old.

How does this "self-defense" of which you speak work?  You propose to defend 
your Self against a 10-year-old boy?  What did he ever do to you?

> He brags about his polygamy (with imported brides),
> I don't brag, I just live (with American women)).

I didn't brag about anything, I responded to the Libel in which you accused me 
of "masturbatory hallucinations".  I showed that you were mistaken, it is not a 
hallucination.  (I have videos too.)

But... are American women somehow better for "bragging rights", in your 
estimation?  Is that what you're on about?
Anyhow, only one of my wives is Imported, I complained quite clearly that I 
have not been Allowed to import the other one, that's the PROBLEM.

Okay.  Here is the relevant joke:
Chauncey is chauffeuring The Queen and runs into a limousine driven by his old 
nemesis, Worthington.  Chauncey leaps out of his car and says, "Can't you 
drive?  You moron!"
Worthington replies, "Keep your voice down.  Are you aware that Lady Smedley is 
in my car?"
Whereupon Chauncey runs to his car, throws open the door to reveal The Queen, 
and yells, "And what do you think this is, a piece of shit?"

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