Feeling sorry for myself? We own oceanfront property on Alligator Point and are 
suing BP. It won't hurt our company because we do wedding cakes and stuff like 
that, so there's no economic loss on the business.

But on the properties, there is lost rental income and crashing property 

Do you think it is fair for the leader of the GOP and the US Chamber to ask the 
taxpayers to bail out BP? Not one company on that rig was a US company.

--- In LibertarianExchange@yahoogroups.com, jwsmith42...@... wrote:
> Life is never fair and Glen Beck is a clown. Like you he has no grounding  
> in reality. 
> It is time to grow up and quit feeling sorry for your self. 
> John Wayne Smith
> In a message dated 6/12/2010 7:31:28 A.M. Eastern Daylight Time,  
> bottomlinejim2...@... writes:
> Do you  think it is fair for Beck to go on TV and radio and find socialists 
> in the  past who used the work "progressive" and infer that all US 
> Progressives today  are Socialists? And then to take it one step further by 
> inferring that because  Hitler used the word "Socialist" in the party title 
> all 
> Progressives must me  Hitler?
> Is that fair? Or even accurate? See, I can pull out my magic  blackboard 
> and get the history wrong, like Beck, and then start making wild  interences 
> like he does just for the purpose of dividing 
> people through  fear and hatred?
> Is that at all  fair?

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