Brandon Black wrote:
The problem with an initialization flag byte is this then requires that the memory being passed to the init function be zero-d (or at least, the flag byte within it be zero-d),
Well, I'd question whether its a problem (certainly not from any performance
perspective) but since it busts the API its not relevant in this case, clearly,
because the design decision to have the multiple-init bug undetectable is
effectively made.  I'm just objecting to Mr Lehman's characteristically
condescending and heavy-handed 'its not possible'.

is basically going to fall into the same class of application programming bug/mistake as the problem we're trying to avoid in the first place).

I don't think that's true at all. An API that refuses to work unless the user has fullfilled preconditions will tend to be overzealous rejecting calls, and will be more inconvenient, but I do think it will tend to have fewer errors. No API will be completely immune after all, particularly if you are going to *try* to think of ways that it *could* be
subverted, rather than accept that the API lends itself to a reinit bug..

Personally I'd be hesitant about overoptimising in a library that is fundamentally about calling select in one way or another, and would have thought that a simple object pool would be adequate. All that's happened is that we've shifted the allocation somewhere else, and it will only actually be a saving if there's a zero-or-one-to-one relationship between timers and application entities. All the timer-centric systems I've worked with have had timers in the Controller in the overall MVC and held them to one side, so I suspect it may not be all that much of a cost unless you go
for a really malloc-heavy approach with no pooling.

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