G'day, All.

Just tripped over your library today and I like what your doing; I was stunned 
by how slow libevent was, 6 times less throughput than my simple hand rolled 
pthread condition based loop, wtf. For multi thread queueing.

Anyway I noticed this section in your docs.

> The kqueue syscall is broken in all known versions - most versions support 
> only sockets, many support pipes.
> Libev tries to work around this by not using kqueue by default on this rotten 
> platform, but of course you can still ask for it when creating a loop - 
> embedding a socket-only kqueue loop into a select-based one is probably going 
> to work well.

Two things, I used to be a kernel developer at Apple and don't like to see my 
kernel do this sort of thing badly. Have you raised bugs?

Secondly, I'm working on some open source code and I'd like to integrate 
kqueues into its implementation on the mac, I'd like to track directory 
modifications. Do you remember what the problems were that you were having? I 
haven't found any problems with EVFILT_VNODE yet and I know EVFILT_MACH is OK 
and you say the sockets are OK, how about the signals?


Godfrey van der Linden

libev mailing list

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