In Association with the Libertarian International

Publication Date: 13th October 2004

Contact Details: 
Chris R. Tame, 07957 644 519, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sean Gabb, 07956 472 199, [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

For other contact and link details, see the foot of this message 
Linked News Release url:

Freedom And Broadcasting: 
A Submission By The Libertarian Alliance 
To Ofcom On Its Proposed New Broadcasting Code

By Chris R. Tame and Sean Gabb


OFCOM (The Office of Communications) was set up in 2003 to replace
previously separate governmental regulatory bodies concerned with
broadcasting. It describes itself as "the regulator for the UK
communications industries, with responsibilities across television,
radio, telecommunications and wireless communications services ... Ofcom
exists to further the interests of citizen-consumers as the
communications industries enter the digital age."

Earlier this year the Libertarian Alliance was one of many organisations
and concerned parties sent OFCOMâs document Consultation on the Proposed
OFCOM Broadcasting Code, and invited to participate in the consultation
process regarding its proposed new Code for Broadcasting (designed to
replace the previous separate codes administered by its predecessors,
such as the Broadcasting Standards Commission, the Independent
Television Commission and the Radio Authority). The rationale of such
consultations are described by OFCOM in the following terms:
"[d]ecisions must be based on evidence and they need to take account of
the views of those who have an interest in the outcome. Consultation
plays an important part in achieving this. It allows those who could be
affected by or concerned about a particular issue to give us their views
before we decide on a course of action. Consultation is an essential
part of regulatory accountability â the means by which those people and
organisations affected by our decisions can judge what we do and why we
do it." ( 

The following is the text of the opinion submitted by the Libertarian
Alliance and the Libertarian International to OFCOM. In due course
(although not at the moment of this publication) the text will also be
included with all other submissions to OFCOM on their own website. The
text was also released to the media by the Libertarian Alliance,
together with a news release (
m), in the second week of October 2004.


Freedom And Broadcasting: 
A Submission By The Libertarian Alliance 
To Ofcom On Its Proposed New Broadcasting Code

Presented by Dr. Chris R. Tame and Dr. Sean Gabb 
on Behalf of The Libertarian Alliance and The Libertarian International 
4 October 2004

I: Introduction: About the Libertarian Alliance
II: Libertarian Alliance and Libertarian International Submission
Regarding OFCOMâs Proposed Broadcasting Code
(i) Freedom of Expression
(ii) Regulation
(iii) Freedom of Expression Versus Regulation
(iv) "Cultural Diversity"
(v) "Protecting Children"
(vi) "Due Impartiality"
(vii) The European Convention on Human Rights 
III: Conclusion
Biographical Notes

I: Introduction: About the Libertarian Alliance

1. The Libertarian Alliance is a non-party political pro-free market and
pro-civil liberties pressure group and think tank established in 1968.
Our international Academic Advisory Council is listed on the letterhead
of the letter accompanying the printed version of this Submission. The
Libertarian Alliance has over 700 pamphlets and monographs in print,
publishes a quarterly journal, Free Life, organises regular meetings,
seminars and conferences (including an annual international conference),
and runs an internet discussion forum (The Libertarian Alliance Forum)
and a regular ezine (Free Life Commentary). It regularly submits
evidence to governmental and parliamentary inquiries, and its spokesmen
appear frequently on the media (with approximately 2,000 appearances to
our credit on both radio and television, nationally and
internationally). The Libertarian Alliance is the UK representative of
The Libertarian International, and is also affiliated to LIBERTY (The
National Council for Civil Liberties), The International Society for
Individual Liberty, and The Sexual Freedom Coalition.

2. The political position of the Libertarian Alliance is one of radical
libertarianism, that is, the most consistent and systematic form of
Classical Liberalism and Radicalism â the tradition of such thinkers as
John Locke, John Stuart Mill, the Levellers, Tom Paine and, more
recently, Ayn Rand, Friedrich Hayek, Ludwig von Mises and Murray
Rothbard, amongst many others. Libertarianism supports freedom in all
its aspects - economic, religious, sexual, social and cultural.
Libertarianism is opposed to all forms of illiberalism,
authoritarianism, statism and collectivism - whether conservative
authoritarianism, socialism and communism, nazism, fascism and racial
collectivism - and to censorship of any form of expression.

II: Libertarian Alliance and Libertarian International Submission
Regarding OFCOMâs Proposed Broadcasting Code

Our comments regarding OFCOMâs Consultation document will be of a
relatively brief and general nature, for reasons we will explain below,
rather than a response to a number of the specific questions you raise
for respondents.

(i) Freedom of Expression

You state [2(1)] that "Freedom of expression is an essential human
right" p. 4). We emphatically agree.

(ii) Regulation

Unfortunately, you immediately proceed to proclaim [2(3)] that
"regulation" of that "freedom" can and should be "prescribed by law",
which is apparently "necessary in a democratic society" (p. 4). You thus
further outline [2(7)] in the proposed Code a system of regulation
designed "to protect viewers and listeners ... foster plurality, promote
cultural diversity, promote informed citizens and support innovation,
creativity and investment" (p. 4). Elsewhere in the document [3] you
speak of OFCOMâs duty to ensure that broadcasters "comply with the law,
respect the truth and respect human dignity" (p. 7), to regulate in
regard to material that might cause "harm and offence" (p. 7), and [4]
to protect children from "potential or actual distress" (p. 11). In
section 5, on "Harm and Offence", you further outline the duty of OFCOM
to ensure that "generally accepted standards" in relation to various
sexual and moral issues are maintained.

(iii) Freedom of Expression Versus Regulation

It should thus be clear why we are unable to answer your specific
questions regarding, for example, "the right balance between giving
broadcasters creative and editorial freedom while protecting listeners
and viewers" (p. 19) or "What technical and other protections can
broadcasters and platform operators put in place to protect children"
(p. 22), amongst many others. 

As for "generally accepted standards", these are nothing more than the
opinions of some people, whether wholly right, partially right, or
wholly wrong. The idea that they should be imposed upon those who
disagree with them, and given privileged protection against generally
unaccepted standards is clearly utterly at variance with the ideal and
practice of free expression.

The idea that "freedom of expression" can be "regulated" and still
remain freedom of expression is thus an absurdity. Any form of
regulation is a restriction of freedom of expression and is thus morally
and politically unacceptable. There is no "right balance" between
freedom of expression and "protection". There is only freedom of
expression, which is either absolute and unconstrained, or there is
regulated expression and censorship.

In a free society the purpose of the law is to protect individuals from
coercive invasion of, or interference with, their persons and property,
and no more. Thus, individuals have no right to be "protected" from
(alleged) "harm and offence", and, indeed, any attempt to do so can only
be utterly subjective and self-contradictory. Thus, Christians or
Moslems should not be "protected" from "offense" or "harm" (other, of
course, than violent assault) from either each other, or from other
religions, or from atheists and rationalists. Any such alleged "right"
or attempt to do so would be to silence and censor all. Similarly, in
relation to socialists versus capitalists, environmentalists versus
scientific rationalists, "para-normal"/superstition mongers versus
rationalists, racists versus non-racists, gays versus anti-gays,
feminists versus anti-feminists, and so on; all have a right to free
expression, no matter how irrational or rational, silly or sensible,
moral or immoral, attractive or ugly their views might be. None have a
right not to be "offended" or "harmed". Indeed, the progress of humanity
is totally dependent upon some belief systems being "offended" and
"harmed" (i.e., ridiculed or defeated in debate) by their (in fact)
rational critics.

Broadcasting should be totally free. It is up to broadcasters to decide
what they want to broadcast, and for to viewers to be free to listen or
watch, or not to do so. "Diversity" will probably, indeed, almost
certainly, result from the free choices of broadcasters and audiences,
and certainly does not need to be "promoted" by any state appointed
body. However, if "diversity" does not result, then so be it. The State
has no right to impose "diversity" upon others.

(iv) "Cultural Diversity"

In reality, of course, when the term "cultural diversity" is employed at
the present time it usually means the imposition of a very specific and
rather un-diverse ideological viewpoint known as "political
correctness", an evil axis of anti-liberal, anti-white racist, anti-
Western, anti-Enlightenment and collectivist values and coercive social
engineering. With the decline of old style Marxism and Socialism this
form of illiberal doctrine has gained a growing and hegemonic role
throughout much of academia, charities and civil organizations,
churches, social and welfare services, most political parties, and
government and the civil service. As an ideology it promotes the power
and privileges of a hegemonic class, especially âknowledge-workersâ and
the intelligentsia. It stigmatises and demonises any dissenting opinion,
seeks to censor and silence it, and manipulates information in order to
balkanize society into alleged "victim" groups who provide tribalistic
bases for the exercise of political power (and the extraction of
economic profit) by that class.

(v) "Protecting Children"

The issue of "protecting children" is one perennially raised by
reactionary conservatives, socialist and statist authoritarians and
health fascists. No restriction of free expression in any form of media
can be morally justified by this specious ploy. In so far as children
should be "protected" from allegedly harmful expressions that is the
sole concern of parents, who will certainly have diverse and
incommensurable views as to what that protection should be, and, indeed,
regarding what children should be protected from.

(vi) "Due Impartiality"

Moreover, the proposed OFCOM Codesâ alleged commitment to regulate in
favour of "due impartiality, due accuracy and undue prominence of views
and opinion" is mere camouflage of the reality of broadcasting in this
country. That reality has been, and clearly will continue to be under
the proposed Code, not one of free expression, but the dissemination of
a small range of permitted and permissible views within the boundaries
deemed acceptable by Establishment. In actuality "unpopular" ideas (or,
to be more accurate, ideas unpopular with the hegemonic class) and their
spokesmen are largely kept off the broadcast media, ignored, or, when
mentioned, vilified, ridiculed, or mischaracterized. Although occasional
"dancing bear" appearances might be allowed on minor programmes, serious
media access is routinely denied to dissident viewpoints. For example,
the propaganda and junk science of the health fascists is repeated
endlessly, and critics given barely a token voice. The anti-life and
anti-human values, and the scientific lies and distortions, of the
"Environmentalist" movement are now an unquestioned and unquestionable
secular religion and reported and portrayed as both the ne plus ultra of
morality and as scientific fact. In sociological terms they represent a
socially constructed body of falsehood and legitimation ideology, and a
hegemonic discourse. The golden circle of commentators, presenters,
critics, writers, journalists and programme makers that dominate the
British broadcast media is closed and tediously predictable. 

(vii) The European Convention on Human Rights 

We note that the OFCOM consultation document both reprints [Annex 6, p.
127], and is clearly influenced by, Article 10 of the European
Convention on Human Rights (full text at:
.html). That Article reads as follows:

"1. Everyone has the right to freedom of expression. This right shall
include freedom to hold opinions and to receive and impart information
and ideas without interference by public authority and regardless of
frontiers. This article shall not prevent States from requiring the
licensing of broadcasting, television or cinema enterprises. 

2. The exercise of these freedoms, since it carries with it duties and
responsibilities, may be subject to such formalities, conditions,
restrictions or penalties as are prescribed by law and are necessary in
a democratic society, in the interests of national security, territorial
integrity or public safety, for the prevention of disorder or crime, for
the protection of health or morals, for the protection of the reputation
or the rights of others, for preventing the disclosure of information
received in confidence, or for maintaining the authority and
impartiality of the judiciary."

Now clearly, this formulation of "rights" is risible and quite blatantly
Orwellian in character. Clause 1 declares the alleged existence of the
right of free expression, whilst clause 2 asserts that the state may
abolish that right whenever it sees fit! Indeed, every clause of the
Convention is of this sort. Unlike the many revolutionary declarations
of rights created during the liberal revolutions of previous centuries
the European Convention on Human Rights is not a Convention on Human
Rights, but a Convention on the State Destruction of Human Rights.

The ideology of the Human Rights Convention is basically that of the
OFCOM consultation document itself. Whist older forms of statism and
authoritarianism such as Fabian Socialism, Marxism, National Socialism,
Fascism or High Toryism generally were quite frank in their rejection of
such "bourgeois" and liberal values as free expression, modern,
"politically correct", statism is more insidious. It dresses up
censorship in the touchy-feely language of "offense" and sensitivity, of
"harm", of choice, vulnerability and children, in references to
diversity, balance, and human dignity. It adopts part of the language of
liberalism in order to destroy liberalism and liberty. But words cannot
actually conceal reality. The choice now is the choice that has always
confronted humanity: freedom or slavery, individual liberty or the
state, freedom of expression or regulation and censorship.

III: Conclusion

Just as there is no OFPUB (Office of Publications), regulating the
publication and contents of books, so there should be no OFCOM (Office
of Communications). All broadcasting should be free of any form of
regulation or control and censorship by the State. 

The Libertarian Alliance and the Libertarian International thus urge the
abandonment of the proposed Code and the immediate closure of OFCOM. In
their place a totally unregulated, that is, a really free market in
broadcasting should be allowed to come into existence.

Biographical Notes

Dr. Chris R. Tame is the founder and Director of the Libertarian
Alliance. He has appeared on television and radio frequently (having
made over 1,000 appearances) and is a prolific writer and lecturer on
many topics in sociology, economics, philosophy and the history of
ideas. He is author of 'The Bibliography of Freedom'; 'The Euro-
Sceptical Directory'; and the forthcoming 'Freedom, Healthcare and
Welfare Policy'. His articles have appeared in such journals as 'The
Jewish Journal of Sociology'; 'Economic Affairs'; 'Science and Public
Policy'; 'Il Politico'; 'South African Freedom Review'; 'The Journal of
Social, Political and Economic Studies'; 'Wertfrei'; 'The Journal of
Libertarian Studies'; 'The Free Nation'; and 'The Freethinker', and in
such books as 'The Politics of Crime Control'; 'J. M. Robertson (1856
1933): Liberal, Rationalist, and Scholar'; 'The Case for Private
Enterprise'; and 'The âNew Rightâ Enlightenment', amongst others.

Dr. Sean Gabb is the Director of Communications of the Libertarian
Alliance and edits both its journal 'Free Life' and its ezine 'Free Life
Commentary'. A university lecturer in law and sociology he is the author
of such books as 'Dispatches from a Dying Country: Reflections on Modern
England'; 'Truancy in English Secondary Schools' (HMSO); 'Cultural
Renewal, Cultural War: The Real Battle for Britain'; and 'War and the
National Interest: Arguments for a British Foreign Policy', and is a
contributor to the forthcoming volume 'Home Schooling: An International


Dr. Tame can be contacted for further comment at 07957 644519(mobile) or
by email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]  
Dr. Gabb can be contacted for further comment at 07956 472199(mobile) or

Extended Contact Details:

The Libertarian Alliance is Britainâs most radical free market and civil
liberties policy institute. It has published over 700 articles,
pamphlets and books in support of freedom and against statism in all its
forms. These are freely available at 

Our postal address is 

The Libertarian Alliance
Suite 35
2 Landsdowne Row

Tel: 0870 242 1712

Associated Organisations

The Libertarian International - - is a sister
organisation to the Libertarian Alliance. Its mission is to coordinate
various initiatives in the defence of individual liberty throughout the

Sean Gabb's personal website - - contains
about a million words of writings on themes interesting to libertarians
and conservatives.

Hampden Press - the publishing house of
the Libertarian Alliance.

Liberalia - - maintained by by LA Executive
member Christian Michel, Liberalia publishes in-depth papers in French
and English on libertarianism and free enterprise. It is a prime source
of documentation on these issues for students and scholars.

Libertarian Samizdata - - a topical blog set up
by LA Executive member Perry de Havilland..

Dr. Chris R. Tame, Director
The Libertarian Alliance
Suite 35
2 Lansdowne Row

Tel: 0870 2421712
Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]                       

LA Web Site:
Free Life Web Site:
The Hampden Press Website:
LA Forum:

"The secret of Happiness is Freedom, and the secret of Freedom is Courage".
Pericles' Funeral Oration (431BC)     

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