On 25-Nov-04, Frank Reichert wrote:

 s>> As I understand it, "The CBS Evening News with Dan Rather" was Rather's
 s>> baby. He decided the content, which stories to air and which to bury,
 s>> and in what order. There is no evidence that he disagreed with his
 s>> bosses on content.

 FR> Some of that certainly may be true, however, apparently this time around
 FR> it appears that 'some of his bosses' may have disagreed strongly with
 FR> Dan Rather's content or take on the Shrub's National Guard documents....

Perhaps they were embarrassed to be caught in such a clumsy attempt, and the
subsequent revelation that CBS News asked the NY Times to sit on a story
until the Sunday before the election to coincide with a Sixty Minutes story.

 FR> ... there has been a marked decline on the part of the vast many
 FR> Americans who place national or world news as a very high priority in
 FR> their lives, which is very sad.

I'd agree as far as international news goes, but I wonder how greatly that is
influenced by the lack of same by the Big Three. It's a chicken-or-the-egg

 FR> Probably much of that has to do with apathy over not having very
 FR> much personal control over what our nation does regardless of
 FR> personal, or individual, opinions on the direction of such things
 FR> as foreign policy, monetary issues, and other issues that have
 FR> affect everyone to one degree or another....

But has that really changed in the last 200 years? I suspect not. I have two
or three toll-free phone numbers to the capitol switchboard in DC, so I can
call my congresscritters anytime and bitch (politely); most of them have
e-mail addresses; all have snail mail addresses. That's more possibilities
than my grandparents had to contact their reps.

 FR> ... My gut feeling is that he will, as many other news journalists have
 FR> done, go to other outlets, perhaps one of the cable news networks.  Who
 FR> knows. A lot of the big three network personalities have done just that.

I'd be really surprised if Rather left CBS for a cable spot... too much ego.

    -Ed @ Lake Chelan

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