Good post.  
This is easy - what has happened to every sick society throughout all of

-----Original Message-----
Of Frank Reichert
Sent: Monday, December 13, 2004 9:52 PM
Subject: Americans terrorizing dogs!

Good evening everyone...

Yes. I hope some of you might get this one right.

The CBS Evening News tonight had a special segment on pampering
dogs, at least in southern California.

It seems we don't have enough major issues to deal with, such as
US aggression and occupation in a foreign land in which we have
virtually no clue as to the desires of the individual people
themselves.  Now, apparently some Americans are concerned that
their dogs aren't 'human' enough to be pampered by human masters!

Some of the dogs shown tonight seemed outright terrified in being
subjected to such an ordeal!  Well, at least I know for a fact,
my dog, which is a wolf, we certainly be terrified in such an
experient to please its owner's fetish of being in control even
over a dog's expectations.

It appears a new business is being propegated to giving pet
'dogs' the same perfect care manicrure treatment that certain
high class American housewives demand for their own attention.  I
kidd you not!  CBS aired this segment tonight, that at least in
this section of our country the rage is on to provide facilities
for manicre treatment for dog's paws, as they might be for ladies
of a high-class estate!  

Judging from some of the scenes, the dogs were at best
disoriented, and certainly were in such a class that they might
prefer to be somewhere else other than in such a facility.  Talk
about 'animal abuse' charges! Don't you believe for a moment that
will ever be raised as an issue, probably not in any of our
lifetimes anyway.

Isn't there something else that perhaps CBS might want to
highlight, other than the way we mistreat our animals with all
the right intentions of course?  What about all of our sons and
daughters being shipped off to Iraq to tell other people what we
believe is best for them, whether or not they wish to accept such
outside interdiction in their own lives, country and society?

Face it folks. We live in a very sick and misguided society
today. We force animalns into medicure treatments at high class
and expensive facilities, and we also force our sons and
daughters to perform the impossible, convincing foreign nations
through brute force, that it's our way or the highway.  We pay
price in terms of the body bags coming home everyday.

Why are we doing that?

We live in a very sick and perverted society today. I am
personally disgraced in being called an 'American' today.  We've
got all of our priorities exactly wrong.  We no longer know or
believe what is realy right or wrong.  And, I thought we had
learned all of this a long, long time ago.

I submit to all of you, we have not learned one damn thing. 
We're stuck with this baggage, and for better or worse, we will
have to live with it for a long, long time to come. My children
are stuck with our decisions. And, as such, our grand children
will also be stuck by the sick errors we are choosing now, and
choosing for their future, when they have no choice at all to
make such decisions for themselves.

Whatever the case may be, I have no personal control over very
much, if anything, in any of that.

I will, however, do whatever I can, to wake up 'normal people'
and present my case, that I as an individual, living in America
today, can possibly do to simply suggest that we are on the
wrong, and destructive course. We, as Americans, can't do much
worse than the course of action that we are curently fllowing,

We need to take some time and rethink seriously what is going on.
Why are sons and daughters are dying in a war that is none of our
damn business to begin with.  We need to take a hell of a lot of
time, and decide really where all of this went so terribly
wrong.  And what we are doing right now, today, is terribly,
terribly wrong!

We treat our dogs much better than this!  What kind of message is
this? This ought to be a giant recall to get our act back
together than as a nation. 

I guess I'm just blowing in the wind here, but my message is very
clear for those who really want to take the time to listen.

I suggest that Bill Anderson sadly, isn't going to be of much
help here either, since he has already decided who will represent
me, or my interests, nor will Robert Goodman, in this quest
promoting semantics in support of his own goals and aspertations,
and for his own undefined ends.

Maybe its long overdue, and people ought to take the initiative
and represent themselves for a change!  It's now or never.

Kindest regards,

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